❝The Angels Can Wait❞

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Everything ran in slow motion, that's how I remembered it. I don't remember screaming, although I opened my mouth to. It didn't come as a shock, because I knew it was going to happen.

After Tom was attended to, he was rushed to the closest emergency room which was around a twenty minute drive. He was transported in an ambulance and I didn't have a word in sideways about it. Why should I?

I followed the ambulance down to the emergency room, forcing Jacob to drive me down as I didn't yet have my license. It was obvious Jacob was in a state of panic too, and we were both in a mess.

Running in through the doors brought more emotion that I thought. I could feel hot tears spilling down my cheeks as I ran down the endless hallways, doctors eyeing me closely. I've lost a friend before and I'm not about to do it again.

My heart was pounding as I reached his room. I looked through the small window to see doctors surrounding him. Was it that serious? He passed out, it's not that bad. Right?

A doctor saw me looking eagerly and gestured me inside, to which I opened the doors with a dry throat. The man smiled gently, asking me to take a seat. My eyes locked on Tom immediately. That wasn't the Tom I knew. He was pale, his cheeks had no colour and he looked lifeless. His eyes were sealed shut and his chest was riding slowly. Heck I've only know him what a month and already I'm attached.

"Are you Toms significant other?" The man asked with a gentle tone. I shot my eyes towards him, my pupils beginning to sting from the rush of water.

"N-no, just a friend" I stuttered, my voice horse from the crying. The door opened again to Jacob, panting heavily.

"Is everything ok?" He asked as he walked over, standing behind me. He glanced over at Tom, and then between us. Currently, Tom was sleeping. He looked like he needed it.

"We've placed him under a sedative, one of the reasons which caused his seizure was lack of sleep"

"I'm sorry what?"


"You said seizure?"

The doctor gave me a confused look. My heart was pounding in my chest as he said those words. My throat felt like it was closing as my mouth ran dry and a taste of bitterness grazed my tongue.

"Well, yes. Tom had a seizure, which are more often than not cussed by tumours in the brain. When he's awake he's scheduled for a scan. Has he been under a lot of stress lately?"

I didn't answer, just standing from my chair and walking out of the room in a huff. My stomach was twisting. Tom had a seizure? Holy shit!

The hallway was growing and shrinking before me, my head feeling light and my chest tightening.

"Zendaya!" Jacob called from behind me, but his voice sounded distant. I leaned against the hospital walls as a nurse came over to me, placing her hands at my sides.

"Ma'am? Are you alright?" She asked. My vision was blurred and I couldn't see. My legs gave in beneath me before everything went black.

Panic attack.

Directors POV
My heart thudded against my chest as I dropped everything and ran towards Tom. He was still suited up, but his body was thrashing against the ground.

"What happened?" I asked bluntly, a crew member kneeling down beside me. I began undoing Toms suit, trying to keep him still as his spine bent to arch against the ground.

"I- I don't know sir" she stuttered. I nodded, taking a deep breath.

"Can we get a medic in here?!" I yelled down the hallway as two medics were heading our way. I looked back down at Tom, placing a hand on his forehead and trying to calm him down as his eyes rolled back into his head.

"There's an ambulance on its way, please stand back" the woman asked me, gesturing me away as they attended to Tom. They stripped him of the suit and tossed it towards me.

"What's going on?" I heard Laura's voice come from behind me. I turned around, immediately pushing her back.

"Laura please go back to the hotel"

"Not until you tell me what's going on!" She pushed my hands off her. She glanced over my shoulder, seeing Tom in the mess he was. The colour drained from her cheeks.


She nodded without hesitance and walked away. I turned back around to see Tom being lifted onto a stretcher, his body still spazzing.

Zendayas POV
My head was stinging from the bright hospital lights I had been seduced under for almost six hours. After waking from my panic attack, the nurses suggested putting me under some therapeutic session but I refused. I could be in there for over an hour, and if something happened to Tom in that time I couldn't forgive myself.

So, for the last six hours me and Jacob have been moping around the hospital waiting room. I checked my phone every few minutes, wishing that time would move faster. It was currently 5:34am and I wasn't the slightest bit tired. I guess my eyes had just become used to being glued open.

Jacob had made a make shift sleeping quarter for himself on the empty benches and slipped into a slumber, the room now being mostly empty. I was left pacing against the window, looking out into the dark morning every now and again. We were waiting for the all clear but as time dragged on I became more worried there wouldn't be one.

I'd been gnashing down on my finger tips with the sharpened edges of my teeth so hard that they had began to bleed. The raw taste of the crimson lingering on my tongue.

"He's awake"

My head spun round to clock Dr. Green, as we had learned, standing by the waiting room doorway looking at me. I rushed over to him as he held the door open for me to pass through.

I quickly paced down to his doorway before being stopped.

"Zendaya" Dr. Green gave me a worried look.

"Cut the shit, I know it's gonna be bad. Lay it on me" I whispered, letting a tear slip. I just wanted to be next to him again. I obviously cared about his condition, but I just needed him.

He sighed. "We'll talk later" he let me go before disappearing down the hallway. I looked back towards the room doorway, pushing it open slightly. Tom lay in the position he was before, now slightly seated upwards with pillows prompt behind his head. The sweat on his forehead was clear as day in the bright lights.


Despite his weakened tone, his voice was all I wanted to hear. He gave a weak smile as I broke down, walking over and engulfing him in a tight hug. One that I never wanted to break free from.

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