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she looked around. everything was frozen in time. she looked at renjun. his eyes stared deeply into her's.

"i cant believe it... i fell for you. i really, definently, truly did, huang renjun." she muttered looking down, and putting her head down on the cold cement.

she felt a hand to her shoulder. "im not sure why youre upset, but im always here for you. like how you promised me that you will take care of me forever."

minseo looked up to the unfrozen huang renjun. everything around them had stopped. for good, she thought? maybe.

minseo chuckled. "we're taking care of each other, now. and i never break my promises."

renjun gave her his sweetest smile, and pulled her into a hug. and as the whole world began to freeze them too, he muttered, "i love you, kang minseo."

those five words rang in her head as she woke up, in a hospital bed.

it was when i realized how much i loved youWhere stories live. Discover now