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the trip was long. walking, sneaking on trains, and repeat. but they finally got there, with hope and a dream.

they finally walked down the streets of seoul, with the smell of food and the chatters of everyone passing by.

the only problem was finding a place to sleep at, which was one of minseo's arguments to why they shouldn't go to seoul.

"well, guess youll have to live like me." renjun said with a sly smile.

minseo lifted an eyebrow. you dont think you means living off of streets, she thought.

before she got to open her mouth, she was already being pulled by him to find a small and decent place to sleep at. they stopped in an alleyway, which minseo disagreed to, but renjun kept saying he'll protect her.

so this is what my life came to, she thought.

and they lived that lifestyle for months. repetitive stealing and running. until someone offered them their place to stay at.

"im never there, anyways." the lady smiled. she looked trustworthy. "i have kids of my own too who live there, and you guys seem to need friends."

minseo looked at the ground. trust her? or live in the filthy streets of seoul. she looked at renjun who shrugged, then looked at the lady and nodded.

and there they found themselves, in a house with indeed kids.

as they walked in the house, they heard high pitched screaming.

"CHENLE SHUT UP!" they heard a voice say.


"im very sorry for them, im mark." a boy, a little older, said with a smile.

he looked tired. he looked like the oldest brother of all of them, or how many there are.

and with that, renjun and minseo were welcomed in a home in their dream place.

it was when i realized how much i loved youWhere stories live. Discover now