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Peony's Pov
I RUSHED down the stairs,And I stopped and remembering my homework,I left it in my room "shi#! My homework" I run as fast asI could to grab it and bumped into Scarlet.She was looking very mad at me and as usual she got mad at me and slapped me. I didn't mind it and I rushed down the hallway,opened the door grabbed my homework,got onto,going down the stairs I bumped into someone again.I thought it was Scarlet but it was Reinhard...."wait what! Reinhard??!" This is the girl's dorm "remember I'm the Vice President And anyway you've seen Scarlet?" Of course! She even slapped me "Yup" I say without hesitation and he looks at his watch and asks me "are you late?" Oh--nuh! and I chuckled nervously and he asked me "wanna walk to class together?"

"Nope I'm okay being all alone" he nods and walks down the hallway

Scarlet's Pov
I REALLY hate that PEONY! She should thank me bea cause I just slapped her and didn't bring her to daddy and I wish I see Mitsuke today he has that cool,scary face.I wish he beats that peony girl.I walked down the hallway and saw Mitsuke and I blushed like I was thrown by a tomato."Why?" He talked to me! I followed him cause were classmates and I saw Reinhard going to class Ahimsa our classroom I hate it why? Because that peony is there I like it 50/ usual another girl is here she's a bit beautiful but not as beautiful as me I saw Reainhard's best friends (Nick and Hank) talking to him

Reinhard's Pov
IM IN my room grabbing my white scarf then when I was on my way to find Scarlet for our meeting I bumped into
Peony. I ask her if she wants to be with me walking to class but she refused cold-hearted as always

And I began walking again and saw Mitsuke beating a guy. I rushed to him and tries to make him stop but he didn't.I punched Mitsuke to make him stop. But not in the face because Scarlet will be mad.

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