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Pulling out a dress, Adeline held it up to the new soon-to-be Luna, Tip.
"Oh, so pretty! Try it on!" The blonde insisted, shoving it into Tips hands.

"Okay, okay!" The Luna exclaimed nervously. As Addy turned away, Tip stripped down and pulled the dress up her frail body. The deep navy blue stood out against pale, freckled skin, and her highlighted brunette hair fell graciously around bare shoulders. The sleeves hung low on her arms, the skirt puffing out ever so slightly in ripples around her knees. Slipping on a pair of black flats, Tip hummed. Adeline quickly turned around at a signal, smiling wide.
"Oh, beautiful!" She exclaimed. "Look at the back!"

Tip slowly turned towards the vanity Adeline was pointing at, the large mirror reflecting the image of two not-so-perfect girls. Yet they were perfect. Approaching the reflecting glass, Tip slowly turned around, watching from the corner of her eye to see the back. It dipped down low to her mid back, revealing a great portion of the Mate's Mark. Her white sports bra strap seemed to mesh perfectly.

"Now let me put your hair up!" Adeline squealed.

"No!" The Luna stepped away. "I mean, no thank you. I like my hair down." She huffed.

"Awe man!" Adeline pouted. "Go downstairs while I get ready then. You have about 5 minutes." She stated.

Silently, Tip left the room, an uncomfortable feeling sinking in her stomach at so much of her back showing. What if people saw- no! No, they won't see.

I will be careful. They won't find out.

Tip reassured herself as she made her way back down the hall.
Making it downstairs, Asher, Derik, and the man who had tackled Tip earlier awaited. The Gamma. They were all dressed up in relatively similar outfits; A white shirt and black jacket with dark dress pants. The Gamma had a blue shirt rather than white.

"Omega, come here. Now." Asher demanded, pointing next to him. He showed no real emotion across his face.

Tip made her way to his side, hearing him growl as she stopped next to him. Discomforted? Probably.

"Derik!" A shrill voice called, Adeline bouncing into the room. Her hair was now braided, the blue ends tied gracefully by a white ribbon. She wore a green dress very similar to the Luna's, only it didn't have the low cut back. She wrapped her arms around the Beta, laughing. She seemed rather hyper like Rada so far. Was she perhaps a Phi before?

"Let's go." Asher growled, grabbing his Mate's wrist harshly. Dragging her along, Asher left the building and approached the pack car, pushing Tip in as soon as the door was open. She stumbled, but found a seat on the far side of the car. There were two rows of velvet seats facing each other. Asher took a seat on the same side as Tip, only on the opposite side of the car. The Gamma sat across from Tip, Derik and Addy sitting next to him. The door closed and the car lurched forward, down towards the large town below the hill.

Derik and Adeline started to converse, Asher staring out the window in silence.

The Gamma kept staring at Tip, making her extremely uncomfortable.

"Sorry for earlier, mind-linking is a little ability I was born with." The voice from earlier rang in Tip's head, causing her to jump in surprise.

"Don't reply at all, Asher doesn't need to hear anything. I'm Dustin."
Tip looked down at her lap, fiddling her thumbs. Her canines slightly sunk into her lower lip as Asher looked at her strangely.

"I didn't mean to scare you earlier, but you are mine. Not his."

Dustin's voice was just barely deeper than Ashers, his dark hair ruffled quite a bit as it barley hung over his right eye. Looking up, Tip noticed Dustin looking out the window, but she finally noticed his own mark. A large one like Ashers, only spanning in swirls around his neck and disappearing under his shirt towards his chest.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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