Part 4 - Smile

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Rythian woke up beside Lalna in a bed. normally that would make him wonder what happened but he remember what happened last night perfectly, and that brought a small smile to his face. "Rythian" Lalna said softly in his sleep, clutching the bed sheets. Rythian looked at him and wondered what he was dreaming of which made him blush wildly as he thought off the dream he had "O-oh Rythian F-Fuck" Rythian blushed so red it would rival red matter.

Lalna soon woke up to the smell of a cooked porkchop. Lalna sat up and saw a tray with a cooked pork chop , some fruit, and a drink "I-I hope you like it" Rythian said behind the door of Lalna's room "well it smells delicious!" shouted Lalna happily "hopefully it tastes good too!" Lalna said before taking a big bite out of the porkchop. "Rythian who taught you to cook? BECAUSEWHOEVERDIDISTHEBESTCHEFINTHEWORLDORSOMETHING!" Lalna said super happily and wanting more of it. "Well actually I'm self taught" Rythian said softly.

" are the best chef in the world" Lalna said while chewing on the rest of the porkchop and drinking a bit of juice and slowly coming after the fruit. "Thanks" Rythian said smiling softly then putting his mask back up. "Smile again." "Wha-" "Smile again" "why?" "IT WAS THE CUTEST THING EVER" Lalna looked at Rythian while he slowly pulled his mask down and smiled again. Rythian then got a peck on the cheek by Lalna. "I'm going to go brush my teeth" said Lalna walking down the tower of his castle to the bathroom.

Rythian looked around Lalna's room and found an enderchest holding a lot of dark matter, red matter, aeltirnalis fuel and spell book. "Hehe" Rythian smiled the smile you do to someone who's lost to you. Lalna walked into the Room and couldn't see Rythian "Rythi-" He was interrupted by Rythian hugging him from behind "Hewwo Lalnwa" Rythian cutely said "Hewwo Rytwian" Lalna said back.

Rythian looked outside Lalna's window and realized they had both missed work "Lalna. Honeydew inc" were the only words heard before Lalna and Rythian quickly ran to Honeydew inc. "I think I know why you two were late =w=" Honeydew said in that voice "woah woah woah no we just kissed and hugged and cuddled and stuff" Lalna said in response "oh" Honeydew blankly mumbled while Xephos just laughed "get your mind out of the gutter Honeydew" Xephos continued laughing. Rythian and lalna continued their work.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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