I Am Not the Villian

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I am not the villain

Just because I do not wear a mask.

But if you insist life is a comic book,

Remember that she would not be the hero.

What a twist it would be,

They would all turn against the dependable one,

All because it is what she decreed.

What a story it would be,

Friends taken captive by words,

and brainwashed into inhumanity.

What a catch it would be,

If evil wasn't dressed noticeably.

If she wasn't cloaked in a shadowy drape,

If she had a lovely smile that only hid the truth.

What a wonder it would be, if she thought no one could see.

She'd whisper lies in the background,

Leading others to insanity.

Oh what a life that must be,

Switching a lever back and forth,

Determining a victim's loyalty.

The Wanderings of a Mind (Compilation of Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now