Chapter 2 - Spider Web

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     Yes, the same Colton Flynn who's name wouldn't stay out of everyone's mouths. My mind was spinning in that moment, things like was that really him? Did he recognize me? He looked like he knew me! I began to rethink every possible interaction I could have had with him for me to become memorable in his brain.

     I was almost in a state of shock, my heart quickened and I almost felt the need to follow after him and ask him. I don't know what in particular I would ask him... I would start somewhere with something. Reality caught up to finally and I realized I had already finished walking out of the mall and was standing outside at my car. I took a look back over my shoulder at the gleaming neon signs of the mall, thinking of him again for a split second. I shook my head trying to magic erase the idea from my head. I hopped in my car and drove home.

     The whole ordeal bothered me truthfully. I hate to sound like a twitter pick-me girl but I really never paid him much mind. While he had almost every girl in the school on his arm at some point throughout the five years I knew him from school, I avoided him like the plague. I believe I've only had a handful of interactions with him, although he had a few classes together throughout the years. Me being the depressed little shit that I am, I normally sat by myself, rather that was my choice to begin with was debatable. Colton Flynn never had to sit alone.

     Colton is popular, he is either very loved or very hated. He walks with a swing in his step with his head held high, an aura dispersing from him that's deafening. It screams immediate attention and control. He looks strong, and not just because he is well built. It's the tone in his voice and that sharp look in his eye. There's something about that look he gave me that instantly melted me. It was the sly way he looked at me, like he knew me better than I knew myself. Reminiscent of a spider watching the fly struggle against the web they flew into, only to tangle itself more in their intricately designed trap.

      I tossed and turned that night trying to fall asleep. For some reason I was restless. I hadn't technically graduated school yet at this point, and in the upcoming weeks was the practice runs for the graduation ceremony. I just chalked my restlessness up to that.

     It was just like that, it was that easy for him. With that one look, I was his prey tangled up his spider web. I laid in my bed staring up at my ceiling wondering truly, what the fuck is going on with me. I closed my eyes, whispering to myself right before I drifted into a warm unconsciousness, "If I'm going to be stuck on him like this, I might as well make him fight for me before he makes a meal of me."


Yay another chapter! A slow one granted, but all snowballs start as such.

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{Let me know if there are any grammatical errors at any point in this story and I'll try to correct it.}

Thank you so much for your love and support! ❣️

- Livy

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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