Part two ^

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You walk over to your balcony , looking out to the sea. Jason sneaks up behind you and wraps his large arms around your waist.
You lean into his chest and let out a small moan.
Jason tightened his grip around your waist and started kissing your neck.
" you're amazing" Said Jason as he made his way up your neck.
"It's lovely out , lets gooooo"  
You guys got dressed and went outside.
The sun was beaming and it was v hot
You guys walked along the beach and came across a set.
You see a bunch of young models line up , waiting for a seat
There's a director filming while asking questions
You run up and listen.
"Why do you think you're right for the role ?"
"Omg they're having auditions, you should try out"
"Nah babe , not my scene"
This went on for a long time until you finally got him to audition
The audition went smoothly and you were sure Jason had got the part
He did.
* fast forward to 6 months later *
Jason's reputation had grown a lot and he'd been working all day , when he came home , you were lying on the couch watching your favourite show and you heard him walk him.
"Em , hey .."
You knew Jason. He's in a weird mood , like he's confused with his feelings
"Hey bby , how was your day?"
He didn't know how to answer.
You didn't really notice and got up to kiss him.
The kiss was unusual, he'd never kissed you like that before , like he was savouring it.
You pulled away and sat back down.
He sat down beside you and pressed mute on the TV .
"I got another audition, but em I-"
Before he could finish you butted in
"omg that's so amazing"
"But , but .. I'm moving to America for this part"
You were frozen.
"Wha- what?"
Your weren't sure if you were happy or sad
"We need to break up"
Jason added
You felt your heart ache
You felt the tears well up in your eyes
You couldnt believe it
"can- can we not try long distance or-"
"No we can not , I'm leaving in two days , the casting director already booked everything"
You were broken.
At this time , you decided you were mad
"After everything Ive done for you , you're leaving me like this ?! "
You could see how hurt he was from that
Which made you more mad
"I don't know what I was expecting , you're 'famous' now and I'm not good enough for you"
"It's not like that, I have to go and you can't stop me, I don't want you contacting me again , I'm changing my number once I get there"
Your tears fell down your face and straight away you knew that you wouldn't be open to love anymore
You didn't believe anything anymore
You started to question yourself
"You're sleeping on the couch."
You said coldly
You got up and slowly walked to your room , showing that you were heartbroken.
You cried yourself to sleep that night.

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