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mingyu finally texts me that he is walking up to the front door.

am i excited? yes. i miss him.

am i scared? yes. i angered him.

am i sorry? most definitely. i did this to him.

i can't believe i let my conflict between jihoon and soonyoung get in the way of mingyu and i's booming relationship. like what kind of dumb ass would do that?

oh that's right. me. it's all my fault.

and when i knew i was wrong why did i block his number? when i wanted to message him, why did i leave him on seen?

i knew he would've replied and forgiven me straight away, so why didn't i?

when he visted my house, why did i chicken out and refuse to open the door?

i just wanted to be in his arms and i took that chance away from myself.

i'm in love with kim mingyu, and i allowed myself to hurt him. i can't believe how dumb i am.

during those three weeks, i barely left my home. i only spoke to minghao about what was going on.

i was missing mingyu so much but i thought that cutting all ties was the best thing for this relationship.

kim mingyu, i'm sorry for all the pain i have caused you.

sorry for the short chapter

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