Chapter 34

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     Over five people including Sam and Danielle run over to the other side of the armory, where a much larger laboratory site stands. Sam keeps a hard grip on Danielle's hands, not tempted to let go. Danielle easily keeps up with Sam, finding her legs to slightly ache from the horizontal position she was in for over eight hours. From earlier, both Simmons and Banachek follow behind the two, followed by Mikaela.

        As everyone rushes to the larger laboratory, Danielle notices the large doors of the entrance to the lab. The doors were triple the size of her laboratory doors, making Danielle believe that this laboratory was for larger sized patients beside humans. The thought of Bumblebee on the other side being tested on makes Danielle swallow her spit, subconsciously running a little faster. Everyone gets to the doors, pressing their hands on the doorways. With everyone's effort, the large entrance opens, revealing the shrill groans and whines of Bumblebee. Instantly, everyone runs into action, stopping the hazmat-suited men from harming Bumblebee any further.

        "Stop! You've got to stop!" Danielle yells at the men.

        "Stop! Stop! Let him go! Let him go!"

        "Stop it!"

        As the 5 try to stop the hazmat-suited men, people from the military arrive, aiding Danielle. In less than 10 seconds, all the hazmat-suited men stop icing Bumblebee, causing his groans to fall silent. Sam walks over to Danielle, tempting to touch her shoulder to ease his anxiety. Danielle doesn't get Sam's indirect touch and takes a step forward to Bumblebee, who is motionless.

        "Are you okay?" Danielle asks the yellow and black Autobot.

        Hearing her voice, Bumblebee rises, turning to his side at the direction of Danielle's voice. He sees her as he turns his head, almost breathing a sigh of relief seeing her human form. His eyes bore into Danielle's figure, seeing her in a different set of clothes, her body paler than usual. But, seeing Danielle, he notices her eyes are more vibrant, the color of her brown eyes immaculate and shining more than usual.

        "They didn't hurt you, right?" Sam asks, walking to stand right next to Danielle, confidence surging through him.

        Despite Sam's gentle question, Bumblebee doesn't act gentle back, putting his protective visor down, shielding his face. The visor covers his whole face, resembling that of a bumblebee. He swings his right hand around, his once-regular hand turned into a cannon, its orange glow from it aimed at everyone above Sam and Danielle.

        "Bee," Sam tells Bumblebee, "the Cube is here and the Decepticons are coming."

        Bumblebee rises from the large surgical bed, continuing to aim, his guard up ever so prominent for good reason.

        "No, no. Don't worry about them, all right?" Sam tries to reassure the yellow Autobot.

        "Bee," Danielle pleads, "they won't hurt you."

        Bumblebee looks over at Danielle, seeing her pleading figure. He lowers his arm, transforming his cannon back to his regular hand. His visor rises up back into its hidden slots, revealing his face. With Bumblebee lowering his guard down, everyone starts to move, Simmons leading the way towards the Allspark. As everyone starts to shuffle out of the large laboratory, Sam starts to tug on Danielle.

        "Cmon', we have to go" Sam tells Danielle.

        "I'll catch up, just give me a second," Danielle responds to her brother, "okay?"

        Sam looks over at Danielle, before glancing up, seeing Bumblebee 20 feet away from them, not having any plan to move. He sighs, before nods, dropping his hand off of Danielle. He turns around and starts to run to catch up to the military and S7 personnel, leaving Danielle and Bumblebee alone.

        With her brother out of sight, Danielle sighs, before turning around, seeing Bumblebee already crouching in front of her, his blue optics staring at Danielle's approaching form curiously. Danielle folds her hands in front of her, stopping 7 feet away from Bumblebee's face.

        "I'm not sure how to speak about this right now," Danielle admits, "this whole....why we are here in the first place, y'know?"

        Bumblebee nods at her, urging her to continue.

        "Thank you for saving me, Bee," Danielle says, "If I knew that this would happen, I would rather just fall to the ground if that meant you wouldn't be here tortured."

        Bumblebee shakes his head, the static from his radio flickering, "If I had to choose- between getting captured- or letting you fall- without saving you- I will choose getting captured any day."

        Danielle snorts, feeling a blush rise on her face, "Don't flatter me, Bee. Such suave words."

        Bumblebee laughs from Danielle's comment, before opening his hand out. Danielle looks at his hand, and, without even thinking, sits on the palm of his metal hand, grabbing onto two of his fingertips. Bumblebee makes sure Danielle is secured, before rises, keeping Danielle close to his servo. He starts to walk out of the laboratory, his large legs catching up to the group, getting closer to the Cube.

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