A New Beginning

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My mom always told me that art is everywhere. Every single small thing around us is something considered art but yet I never understood what she said. She would go on talking about love and how people connected through things they had in common. Maybe I was wrong to not listen to her or I was just too young to even understand what she meant till that night where everything collapsed and suddenly.. I felt alone and cold.

4 years later

"Becca! you're gonna be late to class if you don't get up right now!", yelled my sister. Struggling to get up, I looked at my phone and indeed she was correct.

"Alright! thanks Mia!!", I groaned against my pillow, finally pushing myself to get out of bed.

Its been 4 years since my mom died and since then I haven't seen my father. Everyone would once in a while ask how we were and put a fake smile on their faces to not worry us or something but in reality, I was just very blunt with everyone. My older brother took us in and we had to move from our old house. As much as I tried to remember stuff from the night, I can't because my mind goes blank.

"Hey becca, what time will you be back?", asked my brother as I walked over to my desk to read what said on the transcript. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that I had to transfer to a new university? well yeah here I am.

"I have class till 2 but Sophia asked me to come with her to the mall. Don't worry, Noah said he would join us too", I sighed as I finished getting dressed.

"Don't forget tonight is the gathering at grandma's house. They want us to attend", Right! tonight was the gathering where everyone would come by and see how everyone is doing. We would always be required to go so everyone would know we were still alive and not dead.

"Really? Eli you know I hate these events. I really find no reason for them", he laughed and walked away from me. Yeah, my brother tends to do that whenever I complain about something. Putting on my white adidas, I grabbed my leather jacket and decided to let my hair loose. My hair was naturally curly so I never actually did anything to it.

"Becca will you help me with my math homework today?", sighing I nodded as I grabbed my car keys and walked out the door. I always forget my sister is still in high school and sometimes she would need help from me in some subjects.

Pulling out the driveway, I noticed Eli was already gone so that meant Mia was supposed to leave soon. She usually waited for the school bus to take her so she would be the only one left in the house.

Arriving at the parking lot that was outside the building I was heading to, I noticed Sophia and Noah already waiting for me outside their cars. Sophia and Noah are two of my best friends who decided to come with me to this side of town since they didn't want to be separated from me. We been friends since elementary school and haven't separated ever since.

"Beckyyyyyyy!!!", and of course did i forget to mention that Sophia yells a lot?

"Sophhhiaaaa", I yelled back walking towards them. Being with them felt good because I didn't have to worry about anything. As we made our way to the classroom, I felt a presence behind me and as soon as I felt it, I saw a group of people walk past us.

"Who are they?" I whispered, not taking my eyes off the one guy with really nice green eyes.

"That's Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, and the one and only Harry Styles. No one usually gets close to them except for the amount of girls that go to them but apparently Harry hasn't been so interested", as soon as she said that, I noticed a smirk from Harry as he looked straight at me.

"Oh and the girls.. that's Avery, Ella, and Victoria. They all are like somewhat related in a way. I don't know Becca but it's weird how they are all related and randomly appear here. Apparently their parents died and were taken by like this elder from this shrine up north florida", Noah mentioned as we made our way in the class. For some certain reason, I felt this strong connection towards that one guy but something kept telling me to stay away.

"Helloooooo class! I'm Mr. Rowley and I'll be teaching art this semester. Apart from this, I will like to welcome two new students to our class. This is Mr. Styles and Mr. Malik", well that's great. I sinked into my seats, now thinking that maybe I jinxed it.

Harry walked to my table and took the seat next to me as for Zayn, he walked to the other side of the classroom and sat with this other girl.

"Hey love, I'm Harry", I nodded and kept looking straight. It's not that I find this weird but seriously like I don't understand why I feel this strong pull towards him.

"I'm Rebecca", he nods and stays quiet. Great! I really blew it this time.


The whole class time, we got paired up to work with our partners and the entire time we just sat there without saying anything. Harry kept looking at me but I try not to let it bother me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to", huh?

"I'm sorry what?"

"I didn't mean to let my staring bother you", wait a second.. Did I hear wrong or did harry just say exactly what I was thinking about?

"umm", as soon as I was going to reply back, the professor cuts me off and lets us know that we had to finish the painting for next class time with out partners... with our partners. This is going to be interesting.

"Becca, wake up"

"I'm sorry huh?", they laughed at me as I walked out the classroom with both following behind me.

"Becca you have been zoning out. Are you sure that you're okay to be here?", Noah asked as they both catch up next to me.

"Yes guys, I'm doing perfectly fine. Now will you guys stoppp asking me please?", they nodded as I got to the other side of my car. Looking across the parking lot, I can see them getting together. It seems as though Victoria was leaving with Louis. Niall and Avery were making out outside his car, and Ella was holding hands with Liam. This all seemed weird because they can't possibly be related if they're doing things that siblings wouldn't do. Then there was Harry Styles, who kept staring at me and I know for sure he whispered something to Zayn that I wasn't able to make out"

"You need to remember, my love" ~~~

"Um Sophia, did you just say something?", I asked as I looked around.

"No Becca, we were literally just asking if you were ready to go."

"Uh yeah of course! I'll meet you guys there", and with that, I got in my car. The phrase kept replaying back to back, making me think what exactly did I need to remember. Why was I so attracted to him.. someone who I just met today.. someone who I have never in my life seen before. And times like these were when I wished my mother was still alive..

HELLOOOO GUYS! So as I mentioned in the announcement, I changed up the story a bit. It took a lot to change it up because I was used to the old storyline but I had forgotten most of it. I honestly hope you all enjoy this chapter and please vote for this if you like it! will really appreciate it and of course, I promise to keep the chapters coming. Next chapter will be released in a few days and hopefully it doesn't take long but I will definitely be posting.

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