12 - Delirium

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“A-Adam” I sputtered between my tears. Adam had not moved since I got him to the ground, the only thing he was doing was taking pained breaths I could tell that much.

I had to get Adam into the car outside so I could get him to a hospital. My only goal at this point had been making sure he was alive, I could tell he was but the extent of the beating they gave him was more than any normal person could survive.

I couldn’t live my life without Adam in it.

If I pushed all my feelings aside, the ones I couldn’t believe I was ever having for anyone, I knew I loved Adam. I knew I loved him with my full heart. I had to get him into the car outside and get him to safety and then I could do what Lucian wanted. I wouldn’t let Adam die to help Lucian.

I pulled myself up from the ground and wiped my face. The dirt from the ground was now on my face and I spit a bit of blood from my mouth. My face stung, my body hurt and I just wanted to let everything go and curl up somewhere and cry. I couldn’t be that weak girl. I couldn’t let my feelings cloud my body. I had to focus.

I grabbed the keys and walked quickly out the opened door off in the distance and saw a car outside parked within a foot from the door. The door was a garage type door, once you came out of the inside you hit a loading bay with a large opening, if I could drag Adam out here I could easily get him into the car.

The only problem with this logic was that Adam was FAR heavier then I was. I pulled the car in close to the bay and ran back inside, sliding to a stop in front of Adam. His eyes were fluttering behind his eyelids.

“Adam.. Adam I have to lift you out of here, this is probably going to hurt.. I’m so sorry.” I told him quickly wincing slightly when I tried to lift under his arm and fell up short.

He was far too heavy. Sliding him down was much more easy then dragging him to something, but I had to do this.

With all the strength I had within myself, I dragged Adam towards the car. It took me a good fifteen minutes and the really tricky part was getting him UP into the car. That was really hard.

But I did it.

Nobody can ever say I’m totally useless.

I ran around the car after I had slammed the door shut on Adam and got into the drives side. I revved the already started engine and took off towards any destination. I had no idea where we were. I hadn’t the slightly clue where a hospital would be. But I drove until I saw a sign for a town within a distance away. 5 miles wasn’t that far, compared to anything else.

And I found out what city we were in. Jackson. Which meant we were in Mississippi.

Never had I thought I’d be so happy to see Mississippi.

When I finally pulled off onto a road that pointed us towards Jackson. I hit the town quicker than I thought I might. It was only about thirty minutes until I hit a town and another five when I hit the actual town. Oddly enough there was signs to a hospital three minutes into the town roads.

I drove to the hospital and pulled up quickly to the emergency bay, the one cars shouldn’t park in and I rushed out and into the automatic doors.

“HELP!” I shouted loudly, startling all the people without shouting distance of myself. “HELP I NEED HELP!” I ran back out of the sliding doors and back to the car and pulled the side door open grabbing onto Adam’s head which was hanging slightly forward.

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