Second Try? || Requested

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I love this one sm idk whyyyy
New abbreviations:
Y/O/C = your old crush

Requested By Anonymous ;)

By senior year of high school, you and Y/O/C had lost contact. You would still talk, sure, but not nearly as much. You both were busy with your lives. In 2 of your classes, however, was another boy named Y/C. You knew him since grade 9 P.E., when he had longer hair, but now it was cut to a better length- and man did he glow the hell up after that. And in those two classes, he kept glowing up more and more. You found him undeniably attractive and you talked to him a few times- he was a lot nicer than he was in P.E. in the 9th grade. So, naturally, you started catching feelings for him.

And he did for you (because who wouldn't ;)). And, thankfully your prayers were answered, because you started dating, and even continued dating after your high school graduation.

But those were your teenage years. Now, you're 23 years old and the two of you lived together.

You were on one of your weekly date nights- you had at least 1 date night a week to keep the romance and good communication going; which is what kept your relationship going strong. Now, this particular date night was going rather well.. but it didn't end so well.

You both were walking around this park, and you got to a fountain- one with colourful lights that danced along with the patterns of the water flow. You smiled and were looking around, paying attention to the fountain and not Y/C. You had been holding hands, so you didn't notice when you turned to look back at him, and saw him still holding your hand, but on his knee in front of you. Your eyes went wide and before you could say anything he pulls out a box with his free hand and opened it not so smoothly, but it made you laugh which made him smile. He looked up at you and smiled softly. His smile that you loved so very much.

"Y/N, I've known you since the 9th grade but never really started talking to you until our senior year and when I first asked you out and you said yes, I felt like you were the person I wanted to be with forever- and here I am on one knee proposing to you. As years went by of us being together, I discovered more and more and more things to love about you and it came to the point where you could be doing anything and my heart would melt and I would get the aching feeling in my chest. And whenever we weren't together or didn't spend much time I would feel like I lost something. I love you so much and I love everything there is to love about you, so will you marry me?" You smiled but out of panic, your smile fell and you quickly shook your head with a frown. You pictured him as someone else.

"I can't, it's not right," you blurt out. He stared at you in surprise, making you run off; you couldn't bear to see his face. You both thought your relationship would go back to how it was after that, and would totally forget that he proposed. But it didn't, and he knew something was wrong with the relationship.

What was wrong was the fact that as he was proposing to you, you saw someone else and that someone else was Y/O/C. You had always seen it as Y/O/C being the one to propose, and you felt like it wasn't right to say yes to Y/C when you very clearly still pictured yourself with Y/O/C.

It had been months later, and things were weird.

You And Y/C still saw each other... a lot. Your families became really close while you two were dating, and they weren't gonna stop that friendship- even when you were broken up. Every dinner, outing or celebration was spent together and it was awkward as all living hell. You started talking to Y/O/C during that year and you realized, that he wasn't the person you saw yourself being with.

He was travelling the world, barely staying home for longer than a day and you didn't think you could handle being with someone who was barely home. You wanted someone who, even late at night, after work, would come home with flowers every once in a while. Who did dishes without you having to ask, who surprised you at work during his lunch break, who showed you off to his friends like the most valued thing ever. Someone who planned weekly date nights to keep your relationship going strong, and for you, that was Y/C.

At Christmas, you debated getting him a gift but you did, and got him a gift card to his favourite place to get snowboarding and skiing equipment. At his house, where both your families celebrated Christmas and opened presents, you saw a small box with your name on it inside the tree. Everyone had finished their presents, so you grabbed it. You noticed that a few members of the family were glancing at you. So, you ripped the wrapping paper and beneath it was the same red velvet box you remembered Y/C taking out of his pocket that night in front of the fountain. You opened it slowly and saw the same ring in there too. It glistened from the christmas lights. Your face softened as you lifted your gaze slowly and saw all eyes were on you. You leaned over and looked at Y/C with a soft gaze.  He simply looked at you longingly, smiling weakly and speaks two words, barely a whisper.

"Second try?"

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