vilkas x reader

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While I'm drowning in respinsibilities please accept this Vilkas x Reader as an apology for not ever catching up on requests.

You took a quick swing at the dummy, your skyforge steal sword bouncing dumbly off the metal head. You grunted in frustration, swinging again, hoping to strike out your anger on something a little less human than Vilkas. That man had a way of getting on your last nerves.

As you readied yourself to swing again, a firm grip took place on your forearm, halting any further attacks. "You're holding the hilt wrong, adjust your wrist, turn it inwards. There, just like that."

The object of your frustrations stood there, chest against your back, breath against your ear, hand against your own. You turn a bit, allowing yourself to catch sight of the man smirking behind you suggestively. He glanced at your lips, leaning down. You leaned back, asjusting your hands back before thrusting the hilt of the sword into his beltline.

"For the love of Mara!"

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