Chapter 8

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In the morning in the forest of death
Naruto and Sayuri woke and did there normal routine and went to the park and walked around. When they were walking around they met Konohamaru and his friends then they met Sakura. Konohamaru said hey Naruto is she your girlfriend and Naruto said no she is pointing to Sayuri. Oh good because she is too ugly and she has a huge forehead.

Naruto noticed that there was KI on and he turn to Sakura and she had a huge tick mark on  her head. Konohamaru and his friends ran away from Sakura and she was chasing them. Naruto and Sayuri ran after them and when they got there they saw that a boy was holding Konohamaru and Naruto knew he was so he said let him go Kankuro. When he heard Naruto voice he let Konohamaru go and ran up to Naruto and gave him a hug. Naruto hug him back long time and Kankuro said yes it has.

Come on Temari come give me a hug and then a girl came and gave Naruto a hug. Then a boy with red hair,light green and eyes and a gourd on his back. Came out out of the tree and hug and said brother it been to long sense we saw each other. How is Kurama is she ok Gaara said, yea it's been long hasn't it Gaara and Kurama is ok. Hey how about Shukaku is he doing good. Yea he is.

Why are you here Gaara,Temari,and Kankuro? We are are here because of the chunin exams and there something suspicious of the exam Gaara said. Do all of you want to come to my place to talk about and this is my girlfriend Sayuri points to Sayrui. It's nice to meet all of you, ok let's go to Naruto's place. Grab my hand everybody and everybody did and they were teleport outside of Naruto's house.

When all of them enter there were growled of foxes,wolves and jaguars but Sayuri told them that it was ok that they didn't need to worry. After she told them that they stop growled and they walk towards Naruto and Sayuri and they patted them. Hey what toke you that long to get back came a male voice from the kitchen. When did you come in Sasuke and what are you making? About 30 minutes ago and I'm making snacks for everyone and I made extra because knowing you were going to be huger and also Kurama.

What did you say about me Sasuke? said Kurama. As Kurama said that she poof in her human form. She walked up to Sasuke and punch him in the head. Ow why you do that Kurama, because you called me fat. Hey Kurama we have some visitors come say hi.

As Kurama turn around she saw the sand siblings. She was surprised to see them and she ran up to them and gave them a hug. After the hug Shukaku came out of Gaara and gave Kurama a huge hug. They all went to the living room and sat down at the sofa and ate snacks, play games, and watch movies. Naruto looked outside and it was nightfall and he told the twins that it was time for them to go back home and the twins grab onto Naruto's shoulders and in a flash they were in front of the compound.

Bye Nii-san yelled the twins as they enter the house. Tobi I need you and the akatsuki to train Sayuri for 5 weeks until the chunin exams and her training starts tomorrow morning. I'm going to need to talk with uncle Orochimaru about the exams. But that can wait till morning and Naruto flashes back to his house and told the siblings that they could stay here if they like and all of them agree on staying at the house. Naruto told everyone there rooms and were the bathroom is and there is a training ground in the basement and there is a hot spring at the end of the hallway.

After saying that Naruto told Sayuri that she will be training with the akatsuki for 5 weeks. Then Naruto went inside his room grab a towel and went to the hot spring. He took off his clothes and went to the water and took a dip. After his dip Naruto went to his and Sayuri's room and took out some pants and move next to Sayuri on the bed. Then Naruto went to sleep next to Sayuri and Kurama.

In the morning

Naruto and Sayuri woke up and toke a shower together and got dressed and washed their mouths. Then they went downstairs and made breakfast for everyone and they also woke up Sasuke. After they got Sasuke to wake up they train for a little and then went to the kitchen to eat there breakfast. They then went to the bridge to meet up with there team. Hey send a message bird to find me when the rest of the team gets here, I need to talk to my uncle about something bout the exams.

Timeskip to Orochimaru hideout in Konoha

Hey uncle are you here I need to talk to you bout the chunin exams. Oh Naruto how has it been I'm in here yelled Orochimaru from a room in front of Naruto. You wanted to talk about the exams what do you mean Naruto, yea it been like 9 years sense I saw you but back to the topic,it the it's like if something is going to happen in the exams because something smells fishy. You're right it does smell fishy in some way go tell the fourth to see if some he can do and be safe. Yea bye and Naruto shushin to the hokage's office.

Hey Dad I need to talk to you Naruto said as he opened the door and there was the hokage doing paperwork. Oh hi Naruto what do you want to talk about. It's about the chunin exams you are going to need to be careful in the exams because there is something fishy about it. Ok thanks Naruto for telling me and be careful. Just when Naruto was about to say something there was a messenger bird flying towards Naruto.

It's saying that the rest of the team is at the bridge and that Rin and Tobi are there. Bye dad I got to meet the team and to stop someone about to kill somebody and Naruto just use Flying Thunder God justus to get to the bridge. When Naruto got there he saw Rin and Sayuri trying to Stop Obito from trying to kill Kakashi. Obito come down and stop trying to kill Kakashi for the millionth time. Naru-chan Rin said running toward Naruto and hugging him.

Ok Rin I can't breath said a now turning blue Naruto and Rin let go and jump back to Obito. Hey Naruto how many times have I told you not to call me Obito it's Tobi. You also said that we were suppose to pick Sayuri up in the morning. So we are here to pick her up for training so hurry up so we can start her training. Ok team we are here to tell you that we put all of you for the chunin exams and here are your tickets to enter the exams.

Also there are only supposed to be 3 in one team so all of you can choose who's in who's team. That is all soon now you can go train to get stronger for the exams. Kakashi-sensei I'm going for you to train Sasuke for the 5 weeks until the exams said Naruto. Ok Naruto I train Sasuke but who is going to train you. The summons are going to train me on senjustus and don't worry Sayuri is going to train with my old team for 5 weeks.

Mom can you and Dad train Menma and Mito for the chunin exams thanks. Who's going to train Sakura?  Why not let her who will be her Sensei for the 5 weeks. Ok Tobi you can go train Sayuri bye. And with that the team went to train for 5 weeks.

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