Chapter 1 - Meeting Him

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Chapter 1 - Meeting Him

I walked around the Vid-Con stadium a little bit. It felt like a dream. The word " Vid-Con " was even magical. I heard Brittany say " Beth look up! " It took me a little while to take my eyes off the fliers, but at Brittany's request, I did look up. Huge billboards were getting set up for Vid-Con. I saw half of my face being put on a billboard. I smiled. To the left there was a billboard for Hannah Hart being made, and to the right there was Connor Franta's billboard. I stared for a second, looking at his smile, smiling back at the billboard. I then busied myself with some Vid-Con contracts. I heard a slow pacing behind me as I started to write my information down. It didn't bother me, until someone pushed me to the ground. I awkwardly lowered myself to pick up the papers, while the person who pushed me quickly lowered himself to help. Once his hand went down to grab a paper, it instantly touched mine. I looked up. Connor Franta. We stared at each others eyes for a minute, then Connor said " I'm so sorry Bethany." I looked down biting the edge of my lip. He lowered himself to look in my eyes. " It's Bethany, right? " I did a quick nod, then added " Connor.... Connor Franta." I looked straight ahead, Connor was now standing up to look me in the eyes once more. " hi " he said in a shy tone. I laughed, and looked away. He stared at the angle of my body for a long time, and then said " I'm sorry." " Its fine " I answered back. " Hey, I gotta go Beth, but if you can call me..." Connor handed me a piece of paper with his phone number on it, and left. " I will " I said to the sky. I held the piece of paper in my hand. I shuffled through my bag to find my phone. I pressed the home button, only to find it was 12:22. I was suppose to meet Brittney at her car at 12:00! I shoved my phone in my back pocket and ran all the way back to the parking lot. Brittney had already left. She had to go drop Marin off at day care. I texted her. She said she would come back around 1:30. I couldn't wait all day! I had a photoshoot to get ready for at 12:45. I tried to think of solutions. I couldn't call a cab, I didn't have enough money to. There were no buses around this part of town either. Just then, a car pulled out. I ran towards the car and tapped on the window. The window slowly scrolled down. It was Connor! " Um, hey.... I need a ride home, do you mind? " he replied "Not at all queen Bethany." I laughed and got into the car. There was a long silence. He broke it by saying "You know Mota, you've come a very long way." "You to Franta." He looked over at me and laughed. Once we got on my driveway he said "Bethany, you're a beautiful queen... Would it be to much to ask to go on a date with me?" I looked into his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes. A tear rolled down my face, as I struggled to say yes. He smiled, and I hugged him before getting out of the car. I raced to the door. I didn't go inside though. I just sat at the bench next to the door thinking about Connor. Connor Franta. That night I couldn't really sleep. I got my Mac book out from my desk and logged on to twitter. I had a message from Connor. He said "So I have a good idea for our date" 33 minutes ago. I replied "What? Buying me a polar pop from Circle K? In two minutes time he wrote back. "No. Unless you wanna go eat from the dumpster" I laughed at his text. "Anyways, I was thinking we drive over to Venice Beach, and stay to watch the movie they're rolling tomorrow?" I answered "OMG! That sounds like the most BEST idea I've ever heard! Thanks bunches Connor!" He replied "Well it's not called a date for nothing right? I"ll pick you up around 6:00." "Sounds great Connor!" Then we both said goodnight and logged off our Twitters. I put my Mac book away, and laid in my bed, thinking. Thinking about Connor, thinking about our date, my outfit, my hair, I just honestly couldn't wait! Meeting Connor is magical! Even more magical than Vid-Con. I then fell asleep thinking about tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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