Cethany? Cethany.

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Hi everyone, I hope you enjoy Cethany? Cethany. which is about you tubers Bethany Mota & Connor Franta! This is just fan fiction and NOT true! There's NO PORN to, so its safe to read! The plot is that Connor and Beth meet at Vid-Con, and then the love story falls from there! I hope you enjoy it. If you do please vote, comment, and share! Thanks so very dearly!

About The Author

Sarah Blake aka Sarah Sapphire

Sarah is a 10 year old author, musician, and youtuber. She's been writing since she was 2, playing instruments since she was 2, and began you tube when she was 10. She's currently the author of Cethany? Cethany. & Musically Suffered. She lives in Southern Arizona, where the weather is SO FREAKING HOT! She enjoys instruments, hiking, traveling, pets, reading, youtube, and much more. ILY 2 D MOON & BACK

YOUTUBE: dat unic0rntaking0ver [the o's are zeros ]


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