Just_Love_Lupin VVVV

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Chronicle #3-The Stage

We were rehersing in the theater for our upcoming concert. Just_Love_Lupin plays flute so she sits in the front row. The theater stage was packed full with chairs and kids with instruments. The bell rang and we were to report to our 5th period class. Everyone was pushing each other trying to get off the stage. Some people jumped off the stage, others like me and JLL (Just_Love_Lupin)  were patient and kinda merged into the line. Whats funny about this is JLL almost fell off the stage.XD I grabed her making sure she wouldn't fall off. And on the way to our fifth period class we laughed about itXD

A/N: Hey guys please follow meh friend @Just_Love_lupin  she is an AMAZING writer and she is an outstanding flutist/picolo player:)

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