Chapter 5

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Enjoy! X


I pull my hood over my face while walking down the school's hallway.

Mason is a nice guy!

What that guy did.. Mason was it? Was very sweet of him!

He helped you how sweeeeet


"Fuck, I'm gonna regret this later." I close my locker and hurry to the soccer field where hot, muscle-y shirtless boys are running around.

My eyes flicker between the players searching for a certain someone. I finally find him.

"You can do this Taylor." I cheer myself as I head to the center of the field, pull Mason by his arm in front of everyone and drag him to the boys' washroom.

"You've gotten used to this place, have you?" He says sarcastically.

"Not funny." I spit.

"What the hell do you want?" He crosses his arms.

"Look, boy, don't make me regret this more than I already am okay?!" I take a deep breath in, "imsorryaboutyesterday." I mumble.

He smirks. "What did you say? Couldn't hear you."

Now he's fucking messing with me.

"I said," deep breath, "sorryaboutyesterday."

"Look, you're wasting my time here, do you want to say something or should I go?" He raises an eyebrow.

I stare at him blankly, cursing him badly in my head.

He turns around and starts walking towards the door "Okay find me when you decide to—"

"I'M FUCKING SORRY OKAY?" I burst out.

He slowly turns around with a huge smirk on his face.

"Are you happy now?!" I cross my arms trying to control my cheeks to not turn red.

"Very." His stupid smirk still on his stupid face.

"Shut up and let me see." I look down at his hand.

He hides it behind his back, "No."

I firmly reach out to it and hold it in mine.

Dry blood was all over his knuckles and I could tell that it hurt like a bitch.

"Now everyone's asking how I got them." He says looking bothered.

"And you have the courage to blame me?!" I say. "Even though you don't deserve it, but I'm gonna be nice." I reach out for my bag and take out the bandages and the antibiotic cream that I bought from a pharmacy on my way to school. I gently put the cream on his wounds and then wrap the bandage all over his hand while he watches me silently.. I notice a genuine smile on his lips that is very different from the devilish smirk that I'm used to. I stop and look up at his eyes, they are beautiful, hazel eyes with some long dark lashes that every girl dreams of. He's got a beautiful, messy, chocolate brown hair that could charm anyone in seconds. He notices me staring so I quickly look down and continue wrapping the bandage around his hand.

Cute right? Yeah it didn't happen like that.

"Awww you brought me bandages? How sweet of you!" He says sarcastically. "Like it's REALLY romantic!"

And at this moment all I wanna do is slap him.

"You know what?" I say, "I've changed my mind." And with that I throw the bandage roll right at his forehead and run for my life out of the washroom and shut the door loudly behind me, hearing him yell "OH YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THIS!"

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