Rvb S9 E3 "Number One"

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Leo, Simmons (Who has the flag on his back) and Sarge are running over to the last spot they saw the mysterious person climb down at. They end up near the waterfall of the Canyon.

Leo: They should be over here somewhere.

Sarge: All I see are just rocks, water, trees and dirt, no blue.

Leo: Well, this was where I last the guy at.

Simmons: Maybe, they're hiding?

Leo: Don't know, there's not much places to hide around here. Besides, why where they climbing down here in the first place?

Sarge: It's obvious the blues have called in reinforcement!

Simmons: If that where true, wouldn't they be dropped of here, instead of climbing down then?

Sarge: They trying to set a surprise attack! But, they won't fool us!

Leo: Funny, after all these of not fighting each other where, right back to it.

Simmons: Yep.

As kept searching, Simmons spots something out the corner of his cyborg eye.

Simmons: Uh... guys, did that rock just move?

Leo: What?

They look at where Simmons is looking only to see an ordinary rock sticking out of the land.

Sarge: Simmons, I think your just seeing things now.

Simmons: No Seriously! I swear I saw it move!

Sarge: He's obviously delusional!

Simmons: I'm not delusional! The rocks surface, looks like it was shifting!

Sarge: I think he's been out in the sun to long, now.

Leo takes a closer look at the rock and starts to see the surface... shifting? Actually... the longer he looks the more he starts to make out a person in grey armour.

Leo: Sarge.. I don't think Simmons is actually delusional.

Leo aims his railgun at the rock. But, the second he did that, the person camouflaging on the rock, instantly moved straight for him.

Leo: OH SHIT!!!

Leo starts to charge up his gun but, the person quickly grabs the muzzle, pointing it down. Then they strike at Leo's visor, distorting him long enough to snatch his gun off him and jab him in the stomach with it, making stumble back.

Sarge/Simmons: LEO!!

They throw away Leo's weapon, before setting their eyes on, Sarge and Simmons.

Simmons: What do we do, Sarge!?

Sarge: We teach this person not to mess with my boy!

They both start shooting at the mysterious person. They quickly take cover behind a rock, while Sarge and Simmons continue to shoot.

Simmons: Yeah! Suck it blu- I mean grey!

Suddenly, they both their guns clips run out of ammo from continuing to shoot.

Sarge: Uh oh.

The person jumps on top of the rock, before jumping towards Sarge and roundhouse kicks him in the face. Sarge falls to the ground, leaving Simmons on his own.

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