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                                Asher's pov:

As i entered my house, i sniffed out an awfully reeking stench of alcohol.


Well, if you haven't figured it out yet, it's coming from my mom.

And if you haven't figured this out either, which i don't blame you, she's developed a drinking problem.

Why you may ask?

My dad left us, a while back. 42 days ago, to be exact.

And my mom hasn't been taking it very well. Neither I at first, but now, he's dead to me.

We were a family, a very close one.

But one day, my dad started appearing home late.

Being honest, I already had guessed that he was hiding something. But not something like this.

My dad, was my best friend. He was the person I trusted the most. I used to tell him everything, from A to Z. But i guess it was too good to be true.

People always leave. Having someone is great and all, really. But how long is that person willing to stay?

How are you so sure that 'your' person won't wake up one day and decide to not want you anymore?

I walked to the kitchen, to see my mother lightly crying with her head down on the counter, and a glass of red wine next to her.

No doubt a void formed inside of me when he left but, it was my mom, was who was actually very sad.

I sighed.

I wish i could help. If i could take everything she went through and put it on me, i wouldn't hesitate.

She was a pure soul. One that deserved to be loved.

But, unfortunately she settled for the worst.

I came up to her and gave her a hug from behind.

"Mom.." I said as my lips quivered. I was on the verge of breaking down. But no, I need to be strong for her.

"Oh! Honey I didn't realize your home!" she said as she bolted up and removed her tears from her face.

"Don't, mom. It's okay, I'm here. So are Stefan and Blair." I cut her off as i hugged her tightly.

She sighed, "What would I ever do without you" she confessed as she hugged back.

"Nothing you'll ever find out." i jokingly said as i lightly tightened my grip on her.

"Honey, please don't tell your siblings, blair's too small to carry this weight on her shoulders, and stefan's in college, i dont want him worrying." she commented.

"As long as you're okay." I replied.

She let go of the hug.

"I know it's hard on you too. You were very close to your father." she sympathetically said.

"I have you, mom. I don't need him. He's a fool for chasing copper when he had a jewel." I confidently announced. I know this will make her feel better.

"I love you" she uttered as her lips broke into a smile and she hugged me before sprinting up the stairs.

"Where you going?" i questioned as i laughed.

"I'm calling stefan." she shouted for me to hear.

Now, it was my turn to smile.

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