Chapter Nine

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So . . . it's been a while and I am so sorry for literally not updating for 4 years and the last update you guys got was a social media post from me (which I deleted cause not only is embarrassing but it also isn't correct anymore) But I'm back and thankfully this story is almost finished (Not because I don't want to do it anymore, I'm just reaching the planned ending I promise) so you guys don't need to have much more anticipation and hopefully I can get the last chapter out as fast as I can. Anyways, before I get to the story can I just rant for a second about how cringy this story is?!

Like many Wattpad writers, I started this story and writing fanfics when I was twelve and I honestly thought that I was making something real special and original (even though this story is based on a very popular concept) and I was such a cringy little preteen. I mean, come on now, plants turning into pianos?! Random singing out of nowhere?! Very inconsistent writing style?! I don't know what I was thinking but you guys seemed to like it for whatever reason so I must have been doing something right.

Also, I'm really sorry for not seeing so many of your guys' comments about where I should take this book. Before I could see any of them I had lost most of my motivation for writing and hadn't been on Wattpad much for anything other than reading. I never even really checked my notifications. Hopefully I can still fit some of your suggestions into the last couple chapters. But once my current fics are finished and I start the new stuff, I will genuinely be asking for your guys opinions for polls and things so make sure to stick around.

Anyways, don't be surprised if my current writing style is different from my past writing style or I've forgotten details from this story and don't add them cause I have grown up quite a bit and have realized how to at least be a little less cringy and hopefully you guys enjoy the last of what I've got planned for this story. Also, thank you for supporting me and sticking around despite the fact that I tend to be a lazy oaf more often than not. Now for the moment you all having been waiting for, onto the story!!!

But be careful! A but load hurt and sadness in this chapter. Don't worry though, it gets worse before it gets better. Comfort it coming soon. You have been warned!


Naruto's POV

The air was warm and breezy and I slowly walked a dirt path through the forest. The birds were chirping, the sun was shinging brightly, and everything seemed so calm and pleasant but still, I couldn't help but feel a creeping sense of dread spreading throughout my chest. I shook my head to clear it. After all, it's a beautiful day and I should enjoy the air outside while I can before I head back home. Home. I couldn't help the giddy grin that slowly began to take over my face and before I knew it, my whole face had litten up with pure delight and euphoria. I had somewhere to call home. Somewhere that I could happily return to at the end of the day. Somewhere where I had someone waiting for me.

Not to mention I basically had two dads now since I'm pretty sure there's definitely something going on between dad and Kakashi (and everyone knows it) and I know that it was Kakashi who was doing his best to protect me when I was little as Dog, so that's just a bonus. I've gotta be the luckiest boy in the world to have two awesome dads.

I felt like I was on cloud nine as I happily strolled through the forest for a while longer. I felt as if nothing could bring me down from the wonderful high that I had ascended into. However, what I had failed to realize was that not everyone was as happy with me and my new living situation as me and my new family were.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 10 ⏰

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