Chapter 5

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.:Angie's POV:.

"You have a very beautiful home, Angie." Matt complimented, taking the Pepsi can from my hand.

I smiled. "Thank you, Matt."

"Will your husband be angry that we're here?" Zacky asked, helping himself to the bowl of chips I set out.

There it was again. That pang in my chest, the feeling of my heart being squeezed.

Brian looked over at me and must have knew that I was not able to answer Zacky's question at the moment. Brian clapped his friend on the shoulder, shaking his head.

"Sorry." Zacky frowned. "Didn't mean to intrude."

I smiled weakly. "It's okay, Zacky."

"So, when's your son coming home?" Arin asked, spinning on his stool. "I'd love to meet the little guy."

I giggled, my spirits perking  up at the mention of my son. "He should be home shortly." I replied, glancing at the time on the stove.

"Good. I can't wait to see the look on his face." Brian smiled warmly at me.

"Mom?" Gabriel's voice echoed into the kitchen, the front door slamming shut.

"He's here." I whispered to the guys, hearing Gabriel's wheelchair wheel down the hall.

I quickly scurried out of the kitchen to meet Gabriel in the hallway, smiling widely I hugged him tightly. Gabriel returned the hug just as tight.

"How was school today?" I asked, taking his bag from him.

He shrugged. "It was alright. My art teacher wants us to paint something we dream about."

I nodded. "Oh yeah? That sounds like fun." I blocked the kitchen doorway from Gabriel.

"Mom? What are you doing?" Gabriel asked, trying to peer around me. "I'm thirsty."

"I have a surprise for you." I sang out, giggling.

"Mom, you're acting really weird...." Gabriel gave me an odd look, chuckling.

"You're Mom is a weird person." Brian laughed, coming up behind me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

The look on Gabriel's face was priceless. I'd give anything to see the smile on his face all the time.

"You're... You're..." Gabriel stuttered, not believing his idol was right in front of him. In his house!

Brian chuckled, nodding. "Yep. I'm Synyster Gates. I hear you're my number one fan?"

Gabriel nodded.

"Hey! What about us?" Matt laughed, walking into view with the guys.

Gabriel's eyes got even bigger as did his smile.

"No way! All of Avenged Sevenfold is here?! In my house?!" Gabriel asked in disbelief. Making the guys laugh.

I took a few steps back and leaned against the door frame, biting my thumbnail as I smiled at the scene in front of me.

My son meeting his favorite band of all time, seeing the happiest look on his face. One that I haven't seen since Sean was alive.

Gabriel wheeled himself away from the guys and over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly.

"Thank you, Mom." He said, sniffling. "I love you."

Hugging him tightly, I kissed the side of his head. "I love you too, baby. You're so very welcome."

I looked up to see the guys smiling at us, in which I returned the smile.

"Hey, Gabriel?" Brian asked.

Gabriel pulled away from me, wiping away any tears that he didn't want Brian to see. "Yeah, Syn?"

Brian smirked. "Call me Brian, Gabriel." Gabriel nodded. "I hear your birthday is coming up real soon."

Gabriel nodded. "Yep. In four days."

Brian smiled widely. "Four days? Wow! So soon!" Gabriel laughed. "What would you say the guys and I hang out with you for the entire week? We'll do anything you want."

Gabriel grinned. "That would be so cool!!!"

I laughed. "Alright, alright. Gabe, why don't you head on to your room and get out of your school clothes? The guys aren't going anywhere clearly." I gave a playful wink at them, in which they chuckled.

Gabriel nodded. "Okay!" With that, he wheeled on into his bedroom.

I faced the guys, smiling as I let out of gust of air I had been holding back.

"You guys are amazing. You know that?" I asked them. "You just made my son the happiest he's been since Sean-" I stopped myself, taking a deep breath.

"Since..." Johnny nodded.

Brian frowned, taking my hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze. I smiled weakly up at him and nodded, looking at the guys.

"You see, my husband... My husband, Sean, had passed away. He and Gabriel were in a car accident around Christmas of last year. A tractor trailer had lost control over the icy road they were on." I fought back the tears, but my voice cracked. "Sean blocked Gabriel from the collision, thus taking his life. Gabriel only came out without feeling anything from below his waist." Tears fell down my face.

"We're so sorry, Angie." Matt frowned, hugging me. "That's such a horrible thing to happen."

I nodded. "It's still hard on us. Especially since money is really tight."

"If you need anything at all, please let us know." Arin offered.

"I couldn't." I shook my head.

"Please." Brian begged. "We want to help you and Gabriel out as much as we can."

Shaking my head. "You coming out to see him is more than enough. I can't thank you enough."

"It was the least we could do." Zacky smiled.

"Mom, can we order pizza tonight?" Gabriel asked, wheeling back out.

I placed my hands on my hips, smiling. "I don't know, Gabe."

"Please, Mommy?" Brian asked, getting on his knees.

Bursting out into laughter, I shook my head. "Sure. Who wants what?"

Well that was a bad idea on my half. The guys and Gabriel started shouting a million and one different pizza toppings. I couldn't help but laugh even harder.

My eyes locking with Brian's smiling face, he winked in my direction which made me smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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