3- Tamlin

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Hello...? Hello? Is there someone there? By the Cauldron, who's that? What's your name? Why can't I see you? Er, sorry. Hello, I am Tamlin. But most people call me Tam. Or...they used to. I am the High Lord of Spring. I want....well, I want a lot of things. I want to apologize to Feyre. I want to regain my court. 

I want at least one person to care about. I want to fix my mistakes I've done. Someone, please, help me. 

I felt a shove on my shoulder and I blearily opened my eyes. 

"Get up, Tamlin." A voice as soft as the wind whispered in my ear. "There is someone who will change your life here." 

I rubbed my eyes, blinking at two people standing in front of me. The morning gazed at me through the window. 

"Hissssss." I scrabbled at the people in front of me. 

"This is who you sent me to to meet?" A familiar voice snorted. 

Jurian? My gaze focused on them finally. 

"What?" I complained. "What do you want?" 

"Let's see.....there's a human in here. Her name is Vesna Lupa.  If you want Feyre to accept your apology, let her stay here." Jurian drawled. 

"Hello." Vesna spoke up. 

I almost let out a sob. She sounded exactly like my mother. And her name...it meant spring in another world's language. 

"What do I have to do?" I gestured around helplessly. "This manor isn't ready for guests." 

"I can help you repair it." Vesna said, gazing at me with her fiery green-blazed eyes. 

"I guess..." I sighed inwardly. 

"Well, I'll be going then." Jurian said, nearing the threshold of the Spring Manor. 

"Go on." I waved a hand at the door. "I can handle things by myself." 

"If you say so." Jurian walked out. 

Vesna turned her head and looked at me. "Well?" 

"Well, what? Let's get busy."  I said fake-brightly. 

"I don't have magic." She said. 

"Oh. Er...." I trailed off. How to do this... "If I had more strength in me, I could repair this house in a snap." 

"Are you boasting?" Vesna peered at me. 

"Wha..." Words blinked out of my head one by one. "No. I am most definitely not boasting. I am not the boasting guy." 

"You're boasting." Vesna grinned. "You definitely are boasting." 

"Shut up!" I laughed, the sound rasping out of me. 

"I will never shut up." Vesna chuckled. 

This will be a good time to ask her if she wants to go hunting with me. I haven't been hunting with someone for over fifty years. I wonder if Feyre forgave me now. The last time I  was at the House of Wind, Jaceson threatened to bash my head into the wall. Cassian threatened to throw a pole through me and leave me to die. I wonder what happens now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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