1- Jurian

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A familiar voice rang through the halls of the Night Court as the former general of a human army  ran towards it. Jurian darted past guards who were giving him amused glances. 

"What did you do to piss off Rhys again, Jur?" Cassian fell in step with him, a teasing taint in his voice. 

"I honestly don't know what I did wrong." Jurian admitted. "I did everything right." 

Cassian shrugged and continued walking with him to the throne room. Where Feyre and Rhysand had just finished kissing. Yuuuck. 

"So. Jurian, do you know who this is?" Rhysand drawled, holding up a photo of someone. 

"Nope, no idea. Besides, why would I care about a mortal girl?" Jurian asked.

Feyre snorted besides Rhysand. "I told you he wouldn't know who she is." 

"Yes, yes, love. You did." Rhysand said. "ANYWAY. This here is Vesna. Vesna Lupa. She is being held here as a guest and I want you to calm her down. She thinks she is being held captive." he continued. 

Jurian looked more closely at the photo. The girl named Likia had bright green hair with different shades and violet eyes. She seemed to be wearing a lavender uniform of some sort. 

"I'll see what I can do." He strolled away, the picture of the human burning into his memory. 

Jurian walked down the hall to the girl's 'holding cell' and knocked on the door. An answering hiss followed. 

"Hello, can I come in, little kitty?" He called through the door.

"I suppose. Did you bring any food?" A high-pitched voice responded. 

"I can go get some." Jurian offered, thinking that if he could get the girl to like him, then she would calm down. 

"Do it then." An order he was willing to do. 

Jurian walked off to the kitchens, grabbing whatever was edible there and bringing as much as he could carry to the girl. He opened the door to her room and stared. The room was a mess, all the blankets that were on the bed were on the floor. The wardrobe's clothes were strewn across the ground and torn apart. 

Amongst all of the damage, sat the girl with bright green hair.

"Hello." She smiled, oblivious to the damage she'd done. 

Jurian finally found his tongue and blinked. "You're Vesna Lupa." 

"That's me. Sorry about the mess." Vesna smiled.

"I did the same on my first day here." He chuckled. 

"You did?" She tried and failed to hold back a smile. 

"Yep. Rhysand wasn't happy about it." Jurian grinned. 

"That's the grumpy-pants here? The leader?" Vesna smirked, her eyes twinkling.

"I've never heard anyone call him 'grumpy-pants' before. I'll call him that tomorrow." 

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