Chapter 1

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I wanted to write something like this for months. I've never seen a lot of content where the Doctor acts as a parent so... Let's give a try ! Sorry for mistakes. English isn't my main language 😅 Hope you'll like it ! (And good luck since it's my first text)

The Doctor sighed as he lowered the console's lever.
Missy had finished her last candies. It was his favorites. American sweets from the 20s. Unfortunately, they were discontinued since the early 90s.
After a short argument with Nardole, The Doctor discreetly slipped away with the TARDIS. He wanted to please his old friend. Especially since she rarely asked for something lately.

When the TARDIS exhaled his usual growl, the Doctor headed to the door. When he opened them a torrential rain fell on him. He looked around. It was a really dark night. The TARDIS landed in a small alley strewn with rubbish bins and garbage scattered on the ground, all leading to a cul-de-sac. On the other side the alley opened on a small deserted avenue.

The Doctor smelled air.

"Dundee 1967"

He turned and walked back to the TARDIS. When he tried to get inside, the doors closed roughly before he could step inside. He frowned annoyed.

"Seriously ?"

The TARDIS growled as an answer.

"If it's for the time I let Nardole use th-"

He was stopped by a noise that seemed to come from the cul-de-sac. He tried to determine it cause. With rain and darkness it was difficult.
A noise again. This time he could clearly hear a groan. First he thought about leaving. It wasn't his buisness after all. But the TARDIS won't let him do.
He sighed and rubbed his neck. He raised his voice.

"Is there someone ?"

He could see a shape moving between the bins. He used his screwdriver as a torch and drew near. When he was a few steps away from the trash, he could ear weak sobs. His hearts stopped when he realized it was a child's sobs. He pointed his light source in front of him. He was deeply upset at this sight.

A girl was rolled into a ball against garbage, sheltered in a wooden crate. She only wore a large gray T-shirt which was torn and stained with dried blood. Half of his face was hidden by blood. His body was startling thin. When she saw the Doctor, she tried to get deeper into the crate and hide herself from him. She stared at him, terrorized.
What caught the Doctor attention, apart from her sad state, was her eyes. She had amber eyes, almost orange, similar to a wolf's ones.

"Hey you" He tried to be as gentle as he could.

The little girl started shaking and tears ran down her cheeks. He knelt down before her.

"Hey there... I won't hurt you... what's your name ?"

She remained silent. He smiled to her, patient.

"Elyne" She answered shyly.

He barely heard it. Her voice was weak and tremulous.

"That's a pretty name." He tried to comfort her.

Unfortunately, all he got was more tears. He winced. He was definitly not good at comforting people. But her condition worried him seriously. She will not last long under this icy rain. Her blue lips already showed she was in a hypothermic state. He had to take her inside the TARDIS quickly. But she was too scared to follow him. He took a step back.

"I know you are scared but I am here to help you. I am the Doctor."

To his surprise, the child projected small blues flames at him. Fortunately too weak to reach him. He watched the flames die in the rain. He was really confused. Then he heard her weak voice.


He frowned.

"No what?"

The kid lowered her head.

"No... No more doctors..."

Then she burst into tears. The Doctor was mad.

"What have the doctors been doing ?"

His tone was stern. He felt sorry when he saw the child's frightened look. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply to calm down. Suddenly, shouts were heard a few feet away.

" Find this brat !"

The child instinctively threw herself into the Doctor's arms. He tensed at the sudden contact, then he pulled her closer into a protective embrace. He heard footsteps getting closer. He could feel the tiny body shaking more and more. He looked down at her and put a finger on his mouth before turning off his screwdriver. They were now immersed in the dark, hidden by the TARDIS' shadow.

A small gathering had formed in front of the alley. A breathless voice rose.

"Professor I am affraid we won't find her tonight."

"I don't give a damn !" Barked the professor. " Find her! And don't you dare coming back without her !"


" I don't want to know !" He snapped furiously. " You will look for her all night long if needed! I will bleed this brat !"

The Doctor struggled to contain himself when he heard the sentence's end. He was so angry that he didn't feel the two tiny hands grabbing his shirt. He stroked the girl's head hoping to comfort her so she would stay quiet.

It was a nice and warm day on Bristol.
Nardole took the opportunity to do some shopping. When he walked through the university' doors, he almost get knocked down by two students.

" Sorry !" Said one of them.

Nardole rose his hand as reply. When he came in the Doctor's office, he almost let his bags down when he noticed the missing TARDIS.
Before he could react, the ship's familiar buzz could be heard. First he was relieved... Then angry. Nardole frowned and hurried towards the blue box that had finished materializing. He was ready to shout at the Doctor.

"Doctor !"

He was cut off by the sight in front of him. A soggy Doctor stood in front of him. The Time Lord glared at him. Nardole knew has to shut down. But what surprised him was the child the Doctor held in his arms.

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