:Chapter 3:

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"MANOSIA ?!" Sherron's voice yelled all over my music 

"WHAT ?!" I yelled back

Instead of answering she opened my door and walked in , i still had my headphones in so when she was talking i didn't hear but she snatched them straight out my ear.


"You have a visitor"


She rolled her eyes and walked out and then Naomi walked in and i put my headphones and put them on full blast . If your wondering im still mad at her. I dont even talk to her, i hate going to school because she's there and our lockers are right next to each other . Me , Coi , Lexie , and Elle are actually getting closer . These past few weeks without my girls have been stressful but i just want to forget everything ever happened .

"Momo .. Im sorry" She said taking my headphones out 

"You didn't know .... But you didn't try to know"

"Can we be friends again ? We cant be the Fantastic Four without our rock man"

"Fine ... I'll be your girl again"

Practice started and for this number i was dancing with Rayan and singing the song 'Got me Good' By Ciara . I loved the dance for it but Rayan was such a freak we could never get through the dances . 

Speaking of Rayan ! He and I decided to take things a little slower than what we were . Were obviously aren't made for each other ... RIGHT NOW . But Nikki and Perez are dating FINALLY . Chresanto and Za aren't compatible at ALL . Craig and Nai Nai argue to much . But other than that everything is mostly the same .

"So its a pop then a boom" Ms. Taylor , our choreographer, said "Stop doing a boom then a pop" She rolled her eyes and told us to run it again .

We ran the dance and for the first time since last week Rayan didn't try something nasty as usual . He did it right but he's kind of been off edge since i friend zoned him . Kind of makes me feel like a bad person . 

Taylor ended practice early . So me and my girls went to Cold Stone Creamery . We ordered our usual and decided to catch up after these few weeks we've spent being angry with each other

"Im so lonely..." I said randomly 

"Nuh-uh we see you and Rayan hitting it off on that dance" Nai Nai said

"No , i friend-zoned him.."

"WHY ?!" Nai Nai , Nikki , and Za said all together

"Because he and i aren't made for each other"

"You guys are .. made for each" Za said looking kind of down

"Whats da matteer?" I said in my extreme baby voice 

"Your just mad that he pushed your head into a locker and he likes you he just-"

"DOESN'T WANT TO BE SEEN WITH ME !" I said interrupting her

"No man shouldn't want to NOT bee seen with his girl ... Its not natural ." Nikki said taking my side

"He's in the popular kid and were ..... NERDS  What'd you expect ?" Nai Nai said taking Za's side

"WE ARE NOT NERDS !!" Me and Nikki yelled together

"WE ARE !!!!!!" Nai Nai said 

Nikki looked around "Nicole Sanford-Rodriguez ain't a nerd and nor has she have ever been" 

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