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I'm running. I'm running fast and I cant stop because if I stop he catches me and if he catches me I dont know what happens after that. There's something running down my forehead. I swipe at it and my fingers come back red. I trip over a fallen branch and land, pain shooting through my leg. Crap! I can't get up. I can hear him getting closer. I hold my breath as I see the shadow approach-

I jerk out of my trance as I hear my name yelled from across the classroom by Mr.James. Another vision, almost the same as the last.
"You're wanted in the office"
I hustle to get there.
"Hello" the secretary, Ms.Cooper, says as I walk by and wave.
I open the door the my counselor's, Ms.Carter, office.
"You wanted to see me?"
"Yes Aviarra. We have a new student with us this semester and-" only then did I notice the beautiful stranger in the room. His eyes, a piercing blue, meeting mine and a smirk forming over his lips "-you have the pleasure of giving him the grand tour of the school" she continues.
"Hey, I'm Eli" he says as he winks at me.
He reaches to shake my hand and when my hand meets his I swear I saw his eyes glow.

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