Chapter 2: C'mon!

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"I want to do it really bad!" I whined.
"You wanted to do soccer really bad too, and I paid for everything. The uniform, the cleats, and the registration fee. Then after 2 practices you said you hated it and wanted to stop" Mom lectured.

"Soccer was boring. I promise I'll stick with ballet" I told her.

"You said that before I signed you up for swimming lessons. Then you lasted 2 lessons before deciding you didn't like it" Mom pulled my swim goggles that I only wore 2 times out of the junk drawer.

"The water was too cold." I mumbled.

"C'mon Mama, please!" I begged.

"Here's the deal. You are not allowed to quit. There will be no complaining, whining, or refusal to go to lessons."

"I won't quit. I will love ballet and be come a big star on Broadway. Then you'll be coming to my awards shows in a limo" I went into a fantasy world.

"Slow down, missy. You need to get through one lesson before you become a star" Mom teased.

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