Chapter 1: The Book

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"You gotta come see this!" my little sister screeched.

It was a warm September afternoon and we had just gotten the mail delivered. My sister doesn't scream much, so it must have been something good.

I raced down the stairs, tripping along the way. Thankfully, I didn't break my arm like the last time I fell down the stairs.
"Grandma Hazel sent us THIS!" Carly yelled. Ahhhhh, five year olds. So excitable. I guessed it was probably trinkets or something cheap like that.

"It's a costume book! With all kinds of pretty dance outfits!" Carly yelled in my ear. Neither one of us had taken ballet, so this stuff was new to us.

We slowly flipped through the book, admiring each detail. There were short and fluffy tutus, long flowing skirts, leotards, and hair bows. One costume was a pineapple!

"I wish I could wear these" I told Carly. Grandma Hazel liked to send us magazines like this, with outfits we couldn't wear.

"Wait a second, I could wear these!" I exclaimed.

I could take ballet. My mom would said "how wonderful" and then we'd go to the nearest dance building to sign me up. Easy Peasy.

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