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Inherited will...

The tide of the times...

People's dreams...

These things cannot be stopped. As long as people seek the answer of freedom, these things will never cease to be!

"WOW! What a huge town!"

Luffy exclaimed at the top of his lungs the moment they stepped foot in Roger's homeland, the six pirates standing right in front of the welcoming sign.

"This placed used to be full of pirates on their way to the Grand Line. It has everything you could ever need!" informed the navigator, knowing almost everything like always.

"Alright! I'm gonna go get equipment for our upcoming great adventure!" said Usopp, their perverted chef picking up, "Looks like I can get some good ingredients here. Good women, too~!"

Receiving a glare from their newest addition, "Is the only thing you think about women?"

"Not at all! I also think about [Name]-chan a lot!" he swooned to her side, the girl shrinking back uncomfortably, That doesn't make me feel any better!

"What are you going to be doing anyway?" wondered the raven-haired sniper as he turned to the strategist.

She placed a finger on her chin as she hummed, thinking of what to do, but nothing really came to mind, "I guess I'll just walk around until I find something interesting... Oh!" Her eyes widened as an idea came to mind, grasping the music box in her purse, "Maybe this could be a good chance to finally fix it up."

Ignoring everyone else like always, Zoro held his chin, "I got something I wanna buy, too."

Nami not wasting her chance, "Ara? How are you gonna do that? You're flat broke, as I recall. I can lend you some money. Only 300% interest."

"Alright! I'm gonna check out the execution platform!" Luffy sprinted away, "I'm gonna see where the Kaizokuou was executed!"

"Ah, Luffy! You don't know we're going to meet later on yet!" called [Name].

But it was already too late. By then, his figure had already been lost in the crowd. The boy was too deep in his own adventure to think anything through at the moment.

"Ttaku, that guy..." sighed Usopp.

But the five were already too used to his attitude to give a damn anymore. Plus, somehow, they always found a way to return to one another so it should work out.

Deciding to just meet back in the ship, they went on their separate ways to do their own thing.

Taking a couple of steps down the street on her own, [Name] glanced back at the rest of her comrades, "I wonder if they know why this place is not a huge pirate gathering town anymore...? Well, whatever! They might be all idiots but they should be fine."

Around that same time, a fax was arriving at the Marine Base on the island, the soldier who was in charge of receiving the correspondence gasping in astonishment at what was in front of him.

Not wasting any time, he charged inside one of the rooms.

The place was covered in heavy smoke, nothing visible because of it. Only the shadow of a muscular, shirtless man with two tobaccos in his mouth sitting on the large sofa catching his eyes.

One Piece: In Search of Freedom [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now