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I smiled a little as I felt Rosie crawl into bed with me and wrap her arms around my waist in a hug.

"I love you, Daddy," she whispered, the blankets over both of our heads. Today was Isabelle's birthday, she would have been twenty eight and I was not taking it well whatsoever. It still was hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that someone so young, so full of life could have just died.

"I love you, too," I said holding her tight.

"I miss her," she mumbled, her face pressed against my chest.

"I do too." I smiled and kissed the top of her head. "But, guess what?"

"What?" Rosie whispered.

"She's watching over us right now. She's our guardian angel," I told her.


"Yeah really," I said. "You remember when you fell of the monkey bars at school and almost got hurt really bad?"

She nodded and pulled away to look at me. 

"Your mama was there to catch you, she couldn't fully stop the fall cause she's an angel, but she made sure that you didn't break your arm," I told her.

"Did Mama bring Mr. Alan to you?" She asked and I smiled at her, brushing her long brown curls out of her face.

"She did. She knew that I was really sad and that I really, really missed her so she brought me Alan so I wouldn't be as sad anymore, and he makes me happy," I said.

"Yeah, Mr. Alan's cool."

"I think he's pretty cool too. I bet your mama would love him," I told her.

"She would. I know she would."

"Do you want to have a lazy day with me?" I asked her. "No school or work, just me and you hanging out? We can make your mama a birthday cake, her favorite one."

"That nasty sour cake?" She asked, crinkling her nose.

"Yeah, that one."

"We won't eat it though," she said.

"We gotta eat it for her," I said. "And we can let Alan and Benji try it."

"I know we do, even if it's gross."

"Exactly," I said. "But right now, Daddy's tired and I wanna sleep some more."

"You gotta call my school."

"I will."

"Like right now, Daddy. Granny said I can't let you be sad in bed and not be a grown up."

"Okay, okay I'll call them," I said and grabbed my phone. 

"Good," she said, giving me a serious look.

"I know."  She sat back on her heels and watched as I called the school and told them that Rosie wouldn't be at school, giving them the reason and thankfully they were okay with it.

"Can we sleep a little longer now?" I asked.

"Yes," she said.


Rosie laid back down, cuddling close and I smiled and held her to me and somehow, we ended up sleeping the rest of the day. Or at least we would have if it hadn't been for the non stop knocking on the front door.

"Who's here?" Rosie whined. I sighed and checked my phone to find like five missed calls from Alan and multiple texts asking if I was okay, along with some from both my parents and Isabelle's.

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