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Vic's POV

I took a deep breath and left my office quickly and headed over to Alan's desk before I chickened out. Today was the day, I was going to finally ask him to take on his date that I asked him on. It was nerve wracking. I hadn't been on a date in a long time. I didn't even know if he was going to like what I was planning or not. I could only hope he really liked it.

"Hey," I said, coming up to his desk.

Alan turned and smiled to me, "Hey, what's up?"

"How's your day going?" I asked him, leaning against the wall.

"Uh good, how's yours?" 

"Better now," I said with a smile. "I had a question."

He smiled, "What is it?" 

"Tonight would you like to go out with me?" I blurted. "There's a carnival in town and I figured maybe we could go together with the kids."

"I'd love to."


"Yeah it'll be great."

"Good, I was worried you'd think it was weird that I was including the kids."

"No it's not at all. I love Rosie and I love that she and Benji get along so well."

"I'm so glad you love her," I said, giving him the biggest smile. "I love Benji too."

He smiled, "Good otherwise I'd kick you to the curb."

"I wouldn't blame you," I said wisely.

"You gonna pick me and Benji up tonight then?"

"Of course," I said, rolling my eyes. "I'll be at your house at five."

"Alright, it's a date."

"Perfect," I said and ignored his coworkers and kissed his cheek before I spun on my heel and went to my office to finish up some work.  He was great. I looked at the picture of Belle on my desk, though, and frowned. Would she be happy for me or would she be mad that I was moving on? Was six months too soon?  Maybe it was and she would be mad at me.

I frowned and grabbed my phone and called Margaret.

"Hey, what's up dear?" Margaret said as soon as she answered.

"Would Belle be mad if I started dating someone?" I blurted. If anyone knew Isabelle better than I would, it would be her mother.

"Oh honey, you know she wouldn't be mad."

"Really? She wouldn't be disappointed? Should I wait longer?" I worried.

"Honey, when you're ready, you're ready and that's okay. She'd want you to be happy, you know that."

"I don't want anyone to think I didn't love her."

"We know you love her, but you can't just sit around and wallow. You're allowed to be happy with someone else too."

"It's not too soon?" I asked her quietly.

"No it's not."

I nodded. "You're not mad?" I asked weakly.

"No I'm not. Why would I be?"

"Because Belle was your daughter and I'm going on a date tonight."

"I know she was, but I'm not going to denying you of being happy with someone again. You deserve that."

I nodded again and rubbed at my eyes. "You're right," I said softly. "No one is ever going to be able to replace her though."

She sighed, "Of course not, but I'm sure that Alan guy could come pretty close."

Moving On {Valan}Where stories live. Discover now