Sam x Reader: Are you ok?

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This story is brought to you by the marvelous... The stunning... The incredible... The downright most amazing person in the world... Ur favorite author... @Multi_fandom76

Sam would usually sit in the passenger seat because of his obvious height but this time it was Jacks turn to ride shotgun. You had joined the boys on the road after they saved you from a nest of Vamps. You had grown a soft spot for the long-haired Winchester and couldn't help but fall for him. It was the first time you had caught feelings since what happened to your last partner... but that story is for another time... You were currently listening to Sam's whining over the music.

"Oh stop your whining," you chuckle and look at the side mirror to see a big smile on Jacks face and the sunset reflecting on his face "Look at him, Sam, he's so happy... Enjoy the look on his face for now," you smile at Sam, him looking back too with a soft smile.

"Dean," A flutter of wings wasn't heard over the music so you definitely jumped when your favorite trenchcoated angel popped beside you. The car swerving didn't help so you ended up falling on Sam with your face painted a dark red.

He gives you a small smile as you give Cas a small slap in his shoulder. "For Chuck's sake, Cas! A little warning next time?"

"Sorry, Y/n. Dean, we have a situation"

"What is it?"

"Demons, few minutes ahead, waiting for us," His eyes widen at the sudden appearance of 2 figures on the road "Dean, watch out!" The last thing you heard was the screeching of the Impala then-


"Y/-Y/n?!" You hear the voice of someone as your body was lifted up slowly and laid down on the ground. Your eyes adjusted as you felt you head lift slightly. "Y/n, it's me, Sam, wake up."

You gained feeling in your mouth as a pain surged through your body. You start to cough as you feel something warm drip down your face. Blood. "H-hey, Sammy,"

"Are you ok?" He asked as a wave of relief washed over him.

"Y-yeah, just a few scratches I guess," Your eyes adjusted and saw that the Impala was wrecked and next to her was Jack wincing as Castiel healed his leg. Then there was Dean who was mourning over Baby. "Good to know Dean has his priorities sorted," you chuckle, instantly regretting as you felt your throat burn.

You touch your head and felt more blood trickle down. You go to wipe it away but was stopped when Sam took a cloth out from his pocket and wiped off the dripping blood.

You both make eye contact and look into each other's eyes longingly. Then both of your lips crash together. The taste of blood laced your lips as you relaxed from the sudden shock of the situation.

You both pull apart for a moment to catch your breathe. "I'm glad you're ok," you couldn't think of anything to say so you just smiled and leaned in for another kiss.

However, you were rudely interrupted by Cas clearing his throat as Jack stood awkwardly. Your face turn red as a tomato as Sam turns the same shade. Cas places his hand on your forehead and heals the scratch. "Well, we should probably help out D-Dean, right?" You stutter trying to focus the attention to someone else. You all turn to a sobbing Dean who was (still) sadden by the loss of his wrecked car. You all smile and go to help out the mourning widow (Dean).

"It's ok, Dean, we will fix her," Cas said patting his friend on his shoulder trying his best to comfort him. For the next 10 minutes Dean was crying in Cas' shoulder as Jack played with a few broken pieces of Baby and some stones on the ground. You were sat with Sam, head on shoulder staring up at the stars.


WOW ok sorry if that sucked bucks but I try


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