Balthazar x Reader: Wine tasting

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You're a Winchester in this story

"We're going wine tasting! We're going wine tasting!" We finally got a taste and thank god! We were in Carson city finishing off a Wendigo case. We stayed in the Motel for a few more days before finding a case in San Francisco. You've always wanted to go so you begged the boys if you could go. They said yes, but my luck didn't run out there. Bodies were turning up in wineries and no one knew why! Meaning I get to- I mean we get to taste wine! "I'm so excited!"

"Dammit, (Y/N)! Will you quit it?!" Dean shouted from the driver's seat. "We haven't even reached San Francisco! We're on a case anyways so no messing around,"

2nd POV

"Come on, Sammy. You're excited too right?" You put your head on the shoulder of Sam's chair. "There's historical thingy's and stuff like the Alcatraz prison," all he does is look at you and rolls his eyes.

Sam turned to you and said, "To be honest,(Y/N), you're the little sister-"

"-We never ever wanted," Dean finished off. Smiling

"Wow thanks, Dean," you sit back and roll your eyes. You take out your oversized hoodie, slipped it on and fall asleep. The next thing you know you're being woken up by the sound of fluttering wings. Following the sound of cars beeping and the Impala swerving. You end up face down on the floor of the Impala. Not moving.

"Oh dear, I think she's dead,"

"Wish I was," Your muffled voice says as you lift yourself up from the floor. "I hate you,"

"I have candy," Balth said as he lifted a lollipop in the air

"You're not so bad," You took the candy out his hand and sat back in the chair.

"So why are you here?" Dean asked looking slightly annoyed.

"Why can't I see my favorite human?

"You owe me $10, Sammy! Balthean is happening!"

"Damn you, (Y/N)," You took the ten out of the moose's hand and placed it in your pocket

"Actually-" Balth started but you covered his mouth.

"Don't ruin this," He just nods. "So why are you here, other than wanting to spend time with your darling dean,"

He sighs looking annoyed at you but continues "A friend of mine works at the winery the murders are happening, so of course, I said I would take a look with the famous Winchesters,"

"An angel works at a winery?"

"Fallen, but yes," You nod and get back to your candy.


Balth and you were currently asking his angel friend about the murders. You found nothing but the angel, Ayil, said to come back when the job was done. After a few hours of digging through old records, you got something about a maid a couple of decades ago, who jumped out the window at the top tower. It was ruled out as a suicide except for one key point, people who commit suicide don't close the window after them. So you went through the same old protocol, salt and burn, running into no trouble except one bitchy ghost thinking Dean was the one to push her and you almost getting thrown over a bridge. So that was great for you.

You clean up yourself in the ladies room and go down the wine tasting rooms for that once in a lifetime tasting you were so eager for. "Thank god! All I wanted was a glass of expensive wine I will never get to taste again!"

"You got that right," Ayil said as he pulled out two glasses.

"Unless you come to me... It seems my vessel has an unlimited amount of money," Balth comes from around the corner.

"Then why are you here?"

"Who would pass up a chance of free wine?" You shrug and take a glass of some really dark looking wine... and let's just say it wasn't as good as you thought...


"(Y/N)! Time to go!" Dean shouts from the entrance.

"Oh good," Ayil sighs in relief. "These two have been talking nonsense, mostly (Y/N) but Balthazar has had a bit much,"

"How much did you give them?" Sam asked with a raised brow.

"4 glasses," The angel glances back at them making weird faces at each other.

"And they are that drunk?" Dean said confused. You were always the last Winchester to get drunk, beating Dean by 5 beers.

"Well I gave them 4, Balthazar got some wine from who knows where,"

"Well that's great(!)" Dean sighs as he drags the two drunks to the Impala.


A now more sober Balthazar carries a sleeping (Y/N) into the Motel. He lays her on her bed and sits down, "You know, (Y/N)... You might not ever get to know this because of my pure fear of rejection! Pathetic really... I like you a lot... and it's easier considering you are asleep. That sounded less creepy in my head..."

"Really?" A sleepy voice came from behind Balth. He froze in place not knowing what to do as the same fear came crawling back. He felt a shift in the bed and a hand on his shoulder turn him around. "Do you really like me that way?"

His confidence faded with every second as he rubbed the back of his head. "Yes... but I know you might not feel the same way and I get it! I really do! I mean you and Gabriel have a better relationship and I understand if you want to be with him more than me-" He stopped when a pair of warm lips met his. His eyes immediately closed as he melted into the kiss.

"I like you too and only you,"

"Well I love you... and only you"

"I love you more," he kissed you again. You pull back both hands on his shoulder.

"I love you most,"


Awe that was crappy sweet... thanks for joining me on "LETS FEEL MORE SINGLE!" Join me next time on the Halloween episode coming up next! Also that was the longest one shot I've made...

Luv yaaaaa!!!!


"Wake up!-" Dean shouts opening up the door of (Y/N)'s motel room. He walks in to see two figures, one of his little sister being "the little spoon" and one male figure who was "the big spoon".

"Dean I think it's too early to-" The talker Winchester walks in the room to see a boiling Dean staring at a sleeping (Y/N) and Balthazar. "Oh no..."

"WAKE UP!" Both (Y/N) and Balthazar jump and grab their weapons before aiming it at the culprit...

"Oh no..." they both say in unison. Balthazar immediately grabs his blade and disappears "OH COME IN BALTH! AT LEAST TAKE ME WITH YOU!" (Y/N) shouts in the air as she drops her weapons and gets and her knees, hands on her head "Please don't hurt me..." she begged as Sam backed out the door and a still boiling Dean started to plan the death of the titanic hating angel.

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