Chapter Three: Hostility

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It's been a few months since that day that Silk wished she didn't have to deal with her two older siblings. Nothing's better. Nutmeg ended up passing away a few days from her sickness, leaving her kits heartbroken, parentless, and more importantly, leaving Silk to defend for herself against her siblings. Hunter, struck by grief, blamed Silk for Nutmeg's slow and painful death.

"Mama?" Silk called as she lifts her head, looking throughout the house for their mother, she followed her familiar scent and soon, she was walking to the master bedroom where their owners would sleep in. "Mama?" She called again, but when she looked up as a strange scent filled her nose when she entered further into the bedroom, her green eyes widened in horror and she trembled. "Mama!!" Silk cried out as tears started to drip from her eyes while she ran towards Nutmeg who was lying on her side, breathing shallowly. Hunter and Plum heard Silk's cry of horror and immediately ran to the room, their reactions were the same as Silk's as they joined her side with their mother. "What's wrong, Mama?!!" Silk asked desperately while she quivered where she was. "Nothing, my kits...." The tortoiseshell could barely say as she smiled weakly up at her three kits. Hunter and Plum too were crying alongside Silk. "I d-don't have much time......Please, my kits, know that I love you very much...." Nutmeg spoke softly, just barely above a whisper as her three kits sobbed as quiet as they could so they could hear their mother speak. "Do not fight with one another. I will not be able to continue with you three, so please..." Silk grit her teeth as she held in her sobs, Hunter was the one who wasn't crying as hard but was still crying anyway. "I love you all with all my heart....Take care of one..another....." Then, Nutmeg's amber eyes lose their familiar shine and become dull and glazed over, her body goes cold and soon stiff, and the gentle rhythm of her breathing finally coming to a stop. All three siblings, with their eyes wide and filled with tears, wail out in grief, however, Hunter's sadness is directed into anger and hatred. "Get out of here!" He spat to Silk who shrunk away, and much to Silk's surprise, Plum seemed confused. "You did this to mom!! Get out of here before I kill you!" Hunter snarled as he unsheathed his claws and swiped at Silk's face when she wouldn't move away. He drew blood as he dug his claws deep into her face when he attacked, Silk let out a yowl of pain as she shut her eye where the blood was now dripping down her face. "Get out, you savage beast!!" Hunter pounced at Silk who saw this with her good eye and managed to scramble out of the way before she started sprinting out of the room and thought that she was safe once out of the bedroom until she felt something large and heavy collide into her backside, almost knocking the wind out of her as she jumped to her paws. "Wait, Hunter!" Silk could hear Plum cry out to Hunter who was now chasing Silk throughout the house who was still bleeding from her fresh room. However, at that moment, their owners opened the front door. Silk saw her opening. Before the twolegs could realize and stop her, Silk shot out of the door way and outside with Hunter still on her hind legs, she ran for her life and desperately tried to look for a safe place in the unknown world. But as she reached the end of the grass and into  large, black earth, she skidded to a halt when a car's wheels rushed past her face, almost hitting her. Hunter was only a few feet behind her so Silk got right back on her paws and continued to run, making a sharp u-turn that managed to slow Hunter down but just the slightest. Silk could feel her heartbeat loud in her ears and her blood rushing as she ran to the backyard of their home. The twolegs were shouting as they tried to keep up and tried to catch the both of them, but Silk didn't care about them. Silk was about at the fence of the backyard when Hunter lunged forward and tackled her, pinning her down then unleashing his anger and grief by slashing again at Silk's already bleeding wound. Silk screeched in pain but a sudden rush of adrenaline kicked in and she managed to swipe up at Hunter with her own claws, getting him right on the nose, enough to make him jerk back in pain and irritation. Silk took her chance and without thinking, she bolted to the back fence and leaped up onto a pile of objects that their mother would use to climb up the fence, then she jumped up onto the fence but barely making it as she dug her claws into the wood and pulled the rest of her body up, scrambling over the fence and landing onto the other side. When she had made that final jump, the pile of objects collapsed from her sloppy and messy jump, Hunter couldn't get over. Silk didn't think about hiding to try and stop the bleeding from her wound, all she could think about was getting as far away as possible and to not stop running no matter what, and she was only able to keep this up for a few more minutes until she started stumbling from fatigue and exhaustion. Finally, Silk collapsed, unconscious and vulnerable in the unknown forest.

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