I'm a Victim of A Trend. Can I Sue for That?

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Let's just skip right to the point here: I've succumbed to the whims of a trend, bit of a shocker there, huh? Essentially I'm just going to share with you twenty facts about me that you probably never wanted to know in the first place. You can thank good ol' Dandydilettante. And as for those of you I tag? I expect you to do this! Don't be spineless, lily-livers! (Yes, I did just say that.)

1) I do this thing where, while holding a deadly object or driving a car, I imagine what horrible outcomes could happen. For example: I'll be peacefully handing my mother a kitchen knife when all of a sudden I'll wonder what would happen if I tripped. Bye, bye Mommy.

2) I'm the epitome of a fatalist. I see horrible things in even the best of times.

3) I am terrible when it comes to perfectionism. When I make a cake or whatever, I must follow that recipe to a tee! And the icing mustn't be uneven!

4) I may have no particular reason for disliking someone (okay so there is some reason). I have a nasty habit of making intense observations of those around me and if I do not like the way you handle something then my dislike bar for you rises. And you would never know...

5) You may never know I'm angry unless I like you. I'm a brew in silence type: I plot and simmer until your ultimate demise has occurred more or less than thirty times (depending on how mad you made me).

6) I have an intense thing against people who don't take anything seriously. I don't mean those that like to joke around (as that would include myself) but those who are ignorant and proud. If you're going to do that I rather you not vote...or live among society. Take your uncaring attitude elsewhere.

7) I have slight problems with pride (this is ironic because I have no self-esteem). I find issues with apologizing so when I do it's usually honest.

8) My imagination runs wild in regards to anything left open. Like if you say, 'I can't tell you' I immediately come up with various scenarios. (Why did you do that to that poor old lady?!)

9) There are some memories that I have I cannot tell were actual events or dreams.

10) I can't stand smoking. Not necessarily smokers themselves but cigarette smoke makes me ill and I hate the stench.

11) I'm an introvert and frankly not too big a fan of people. I can only be around them for so long before I go crazy.

12) I'm a cynic and if you met me (in person or otherwise) you probably wouldn't take me for someone who likes country music or romance novels.

13) If you want to make me mad or embarrassed you can assume I'm stupid but there's no telling how I will retaliate.

14) Affection makes me rather uncomfortable. Not to say I don't like it but I'm not really an emotional person, particularly in public.

15) I debate with myself. I don't mean a battle with my conscious but a full on debate with both sides and a winner and a loser.

16) I have a very inappropriate sense of humor. Whether it's a bad time or on a sensitive subject I usually have some sort of joke.

17) I'm not much of a girl. I don't do gossip and I'm not big on make-up or short dresses (or skirts in general). I typically wear jeans and tee-shirts.

18) I prefer the night over the day and rain over the sun.

19) I tend to lack sympathy for certain issues that gain a lot of attention from people with bleeding hearts.

20) When asked what 'the biggest problem in the US is' my response tends to be ignorance or misinformation.

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I'm a Victim of a Trend. Can I Sue for That?-20 FactsWhere stories live. Discover now