Part 1 - new life

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Rythian was done. The Nuke killed Zoey, Blackrock was in ruins, and Teep ran away when he saw Rythian's rage. Rythian fell to the ground in front of Blackrock. He had enough, He was weak, without Zoey he could never smile again...

**Time skip 1 day**

Honeydew was walking around when he heard sobbing and saw enderman mist. 'Oh no someone is in trouble!" He thought as he took out his sword. He slowly walked to where he saw the mist, He soon realized he was at Rythian's base but it was in ruins'.

"Rythian!" Yelled Honeydew multiple times until he found Rythian on the ground curled up into a ball, the only words Honeydew heard were "k-kill me please, I have nothing left" Honeydew of course saw blackrock in ruins but he didn't know what was so bad, he could build a new base.

Then Honeydew called Xephos and Lalna to help, Lalna and Xephos came quickly and soon saw all the damage. "Woah what happened here?!" Asked Lalna, he hated Rythian but he still wanted to know what happened. "A-ah here's Lalna, come to hurt me more?" Rythian asked weakly with a sad frown on his face.

"The Nuke wasn't enough for ya was it? Even killing Zoey and getting rid of Teep wasn't enough for you, mad scientist" Lalna was shocked, he didn't mean for the nuke to explode and he didnt mean to- Lalna's train of thought was interrupted by Xephos and Honeydew shouting "you put a nuke under his base!?" The pair said in Unison. "Yeah but I didn't want it to explode and destroy his base!" Xephos and Honeydew calmed down.

Rythian stood up, tears in his purple angry eyes. "Leave...NOW!" Rythian yelled ,the last part of the sentence sounded like an enderman talking, his skin turned black and purple mists flew around him. Lalna was amazed but unaware of how much danger he was in. Rythian took of his mask and showed the skin which was now pitch black , he opened his mouth to reveal his sharp teeth which startled the whole group as he yelled "GO!" With that Xephos, Honeydew and Lalna ran off.

Lalna put on a monocle type of thing on his right eye, it could zoom in on far away objects and could scan power levels. Xephos looked at Lalna and slightly frowned, Lalna didn't seem to give a shit about the danger he was in. Lalna started talking to himself while looking at Rythian's power level rise up "1,000,000....2,000,00-" Lalna stopped in shock "100,000,000! That's more power than a few nuclear reactors stuck together.

Rythian punched  the side of the hill beside blackrock , the ground shook and everyone could hear his raged enderman-ish  scream from space. Lalna looked amazed but started to worry  "with all this power he can make a black hole..." Honeydew and Xephos already ran off to warn the others so they would be safe. Lalna took a step towards Rythian while wearing his Quantum armor "Hello Sir Rythian" Lalna said with a small laugh thinking about all the things he could do with this much power.

Rythian stood there and looked at Lalna, Rythian pulled his mask up and stared at Lalna. Lalna felt a huge headache come to him, his Quantum armor slowly began to burn away and felt pain all over his body. "Go....go...or I shall kill you!" Rythian yelled out of control. Lalna ran away to the Jaffa factory instead of his castle.

When Rythian calmed down he walked to the Jaffa factory, to apologize. He knocked on the door and he heard Xephos opening it. "I'm sorry for losing my control...I just...Lalna's nuke exploded under my base and it killed Zoey..then I lost control and Teep ran away, I thought I was done, I thought I would never smile that's true but I would still like to apologize, Xephos asked him to come inside. Rythian sat at a table with Xephos, Honeydew, sips, and sjin. Xephos told them all what happened. "You're forgiven Rythian" Honeydew said smiling "thanks but I would like to work here for a bit..just to make it up to you guys..." Rythian said "well you could start on building us a power star and then make us all some Klein stars, if that's ok with you" Xephos said also smiling "Sure" Rythian said, he was happy that he now got a new life.

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