o n e s h o t

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01:00 | survivors of the sea

          We were born in the sea. The purpose of our existence was solely to conquer the vast ocean and what lies ahead. Our parents, the first five voyagers, handed down this ship to us. They got swallowed by a storm one unfortunate night, leaving just the seven of us—from oldest to youngest—North, East, Mia, Ren, Sora, Lala and Tim.

          According to our eldest, the chosen captain of the ship, an evil man was after what we had. Our deceased parents passed down the responsibility to protect a certain box at all cost. A box with a strange symbol our parents called a "lily" embedded on the center. We had no idea what was in it ourselves, as it required a key to open it. All I knew was that North's hatred for Captain Hook was especially strong.

          The scorching heat of the sun and the wind that gusted gave the ocean's surface the look of shattered glass. I was working on carving a wood piece stolen from North's study, while gazing at the horizon in front of me. If I hadn't been a victim of a sea storm, I would have believed the facade. Everyday, we objectively live on the calm before the storm. The water was powerful, with enough force to destroy and rival the land—not that we've ever stepped onto one. And one day, we're going to be engulfed by the same ocean that took our parents.

          "Its so hot," nine-year-old Lala complained, while making out different shapes with the clouds.

          "I'm melting," her twin sister, Sora, fussed.

          Hanging wet laundry on the ship's ropes was Ren. "Get inside and stop whining, you two," she scolded.

          They both groaned simultaneously and carried their bodies up from the ledge. I noticed Lala's eyes scanning the shimmering ocean one more time. Suddenly alert, she gasped, "Someone call North, look. It's a cave!"

          My attention riveted on the space Lala was pointing at. Sure enough, I spotted a small dark opening in the middle of all the blues.

          "A cave?" Ren approached the ledge. "You're right. Go tell North!"

          Lala and Sora spotted him come out of the slid door on the platform. "North!"

          "I get it, guys. I can hear your screams from down here," he smiled, with his messy hair and towering figure. His eyes met mine as he said, "We're going for a swim, East."

          I got off the barrel, tucked my completed wooden knife into the strap around my ankle and rushed up the stairs to the helm. I grabbed the steering wheel and turned the whole ship ninety degrees to the right.

           "Where's Tim?" North asked.

          "He's sick," Mia replied, coming out of his room. "What's going on?"

          "Oh no, is he alright?" Lala chimed in, worried for their youngest.

          "He's fine. It's not that bad this time but sun poisoning again," she assured.

          "You're on lookout, Mia," Captain directed, passing her the microscope. "We found a cave."

          "Aye aye, captain," she nodded and climbed up the rope twines to the crow's nest.


          "We're approaching the dock, Captain," I informed.

          North rushed over to my side and took over the wheel.

          I stepped aside as I watched the ship come to a halt at the back of the cave. I stole a glance at North, who had his brows narrowed in deep thought. I knew that he was calculating the safest spot to dock the ship. Mia climbed down from the crow's nest and headed to Tim's room with a towel in her hand.

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