Chapter 1

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The letter arrived when I was looking for a place to spend the night.

I was soaring just below the clouds, scanning the rooftops for somewhere with enough space to sleep on without squishing an antennae of some sort (Seriously, they are everywhere) when an owl, an owl in the middle of the day, dropped out of the clouds above me and flew right in front of me, forcing me to beat my wings in a hasty backwards manoeuvre to stop a collision.

Yeah, wings. More on that later.

The owl was a tawny, a rare sight here in London. It hovered in front of me for a moment, seeming to be waiting for something, and when I did nothing it gave me the eye and landed hard on my shoulder, digging it's claws into my flesh.

"Hey!" I said, because what else can you say when an owl comes out of nowhere and digs it's talons into you. A letter filled my field of vision, as the owl put it in my face. I took it numbly, and I felt the owl spread its wings, (and in the process hit me on the head with one. Stupid owl.) and take off smoothly.

I was left hovering, my mouth wide open, looking after it.

That had never happened before.

I wanted to inspect the letter more closely, but this wasn't the time. 

I put it in my pocket, and tipped forward in mid air, gaining speed wih each beat of my wings as I resumed my search.


When, about half an hour later, I found a good place to sleep (on top of a factory next to a vent), I fished the letter out of my pocket and settled down to read it.

It was addressed to Miss J. Draconis, which sounded very formal. Maybe it was a bill. I've heard people complain about them. But then, as far as I know, bills arn't delivered by owl. Maybe it was some new postal system.

I turned it over. It was sealed with wax like something out of the 15th century, with a fancy seal that looked like four animals: a lion, a snake, a... badger? and an eagle. Or maybe an owl. These people seemed to like owls. There was a big H in the middle of the animals.

I got my nail under the wax and tore off the seal. Putting it in my pocket to sell later (Clothes and food don't pay for themselves you know), I opened the envelope and unfolded the letter. It was written in green ink on thick paper, and read:

Dear Miss Draconis,

We are pleased to announce that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Due to your special circumstances, we have arranged for one of our staff to find you ASAP and help you collect all the necessary equipment to enter the Third year with the other students.


Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Head.

Well I wasn't expecting that.

Entry to a school for wizards... O-K

Well, exist, so why not?

I'm about as strange as you can get. I have wings, as prior mentioned, kind of like a bats but bigger, big enough to lift me into the air, and bright red, the same colour as my hair. My eyes are purple. I can do all sorts of odd little things. And, oh, last but not at all least, I can change shape. Into a dragon. 

Yeah, I'm a bit weird like that. I'm not even sure what I am, but I'm pretty sure there are no others around.

I'm one of a kind.



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