Chapter 3

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All of the stars playing by Ed Sheeran

I saw my mother laying dead on my bed. I fell to my knees and screamed as loud as i could. I woke my sister up she came over and hugged me trying to calm me down but it wasn't working because she was crying hysterically as well. We didn't have a father so it was just us alone it hit me that its just us two now and i started crying louder and louder. I walked over to my mom and grabbed her cold hands and just stayed there until the ambulance came. Hayes and Chris came running out of their house. I ran to Chris and he held me so tight and tried making me feel better. I looked up and saw hayes talking to my sister.

"Why are you talking to him ?!?!?!"

Aria : "Well im sorry but were going to be living with the Grier's for a while"

Me : " NO ! How, How could you, you know about the scars you know about what he has done to me and you say were moving in with such a calm voice how could you"

I ran off to a nearby park i heard Chris yell my name but he didn't run after me.

When i got to the park i sat in the spot my mom used to take me to and laid there. I saw someone standing over me. I couldn't see him but i could see his bright blue eyes. He helped me up and held me. I soon realized it was hayes holding me. I felt scared and safe in his arms weird right. He walked me over to the swings and we sat.

"Im sorry Alexandra"

"I don-" i got cut off

"No listen to me im sorry for everything making you cry hurting you and making you self harm i never in a million year thought i would become a bully i regret it so much i bullied a beautiful innocent girl for no reason if i had the chance to take everything back and actually give you a chance i would"

"Your just saying that cause you feel bad that my mom died" i muttered

"If it was just for that would i do this" he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer

"Or this" he caressed my face

"And this" he put his lips on mine and i tried to take him off me but i kissed back and it lasted for a while.

I liked it...

I liked it a lot .

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