Part 10 (LAST)

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Chapter 10A

*Disclaimer- taking drugs or smoking is very injurious to health. Please don't spoil you life by doing either of this.

His phone started ringing and Arnav was overjoyed that Kushi was still awake and had called him. He answered the call without even looking at the number.

'Hey! I was just thinking about you.' He said with a big grin on his face.

'Arnav its me. I feel alone. I'm scared I would end up doing something stupid. Please help me.' Lavanya cried.


Arnav was in his car, driving as fast as it was permissible to do so at this time of the night.

'Arnav please I need to see some one. I came very close to doing something stupid. I feel like, I'm about to lose my sanity, Arnav. After everything that we shared, after everything that has happened to me, you owe this to me Arnav. Please Arnav... Please.'

Lavanya's desperate pleas were ringing in Arnav's ears. Her anguished cries had broken down his resilience and he overlooked the promise he made to himself about never interacting with her knowingly. As soon as the call was over, he the phone down, he took his keys and left his apartment. He didn't stay back to consider the repercussions of his actions. The only thought that had engulfed his mind was to get to her, before she did something stupid, before it was too late.

She had sounded like someone who was in the midst of an emotional breakdown, someone who was very close to the edge. Lavanya had confided to him about taking recreational drugs occasionally in the past, when she had just started out modelling. And then she gave it up with much difficulty. So he was truly concerned about the state of her health as her voice sounded jittery and she sounded like someone who had lost their bearings.

Lavanya was a strong, independent woman and she wouldn't call him unless she really needed his help. He banged his fist on the steering wheel and cursed himself. He was also responsible for leading Lavanya to her current state. He had given her hope, showed her dreams, made promises and had taken it all away due to his selfish motives. After her father's death Arnav had become the center of her existence, after many years of instability she finally felt that even she could have it all- a career, family, husband and kids. Arnav had promised to give her everything she dreamed of, he had never given marriage a serious thought until she came along, he wasn't too keen on having children either, but she changed all of it, and he was willing to offer everything to her as he loved her dearly, except that he took it all away from her.

Sid and Arnav were her only support system; people she loved and cherished although they never saw eye to eye. And now with Sid's death Arnav knew that Lavanya had no one to fall back on. The world of fashion was extremely competitive, so Lavanya knew very few people whom she could call as her friend.

He stopped the car at a signal and looked at his phone. He wondered whether he should text Kushi about what he was going to do, but decided against it as communicating through the phone on such a sensitive matter would only lead to more problems. He hoped that Kushi would empathise with him and understand his decision. He couldn't stop being a sensitive human being just to be the perfect husband.

Once Arnav parked the car, he literally ran into the building and took the elevator to Lavanya's flat. The last time he came here was the day after the wedding with completely different intentions. He was here to ask for forgiveness and to see, touch, hold her and to reaffirm his love for her. But this time he was going there as a friend, someone who is reaching out to another person during their hour of need. He just hoped that Kushi would see the honesty behind his intentions.

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