What's Your Gender?

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Feel free to answer as well! And if you have any suggestions for what other characters would say go ahead and I'll put those in too!

Feel free to answer as well! And if you have any suggestions for what other characters would say go ahead and I'll put those in too!

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Viren: What's your gender?

Claudia: Knowledge

Callum: Fear™

Soren: Gay

Harrow: Dad!

Rayla: ... Female

Rayla: *whipsers* Naruto

Callum: No. Rayla. You an assassin Rayla!

@FireKilledMe: I'm a Desert Scorpion!

@_Blank_______: And I'm an Autistic guy!

@Kitstenk: I'm a fangirl. No doubt about it!

@11938c: I'M AN ALIEN!

@RubyCakeUnicorn: I'm an obsessed shipper! *subtly watches Rayla and Callum*

@AnneMarie_Lu: I'm a potato 🥔

@MetamorphGloria: I'm a dragon who can transform into a human! (I'm the demi-god of the wind, the nature, invisibility and poison!)

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