[05] Ezra: "This Is Not A Date."

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DEDICATION: xshadesoflife :D

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DEDICATION: xshadesoflife :D

[05]: "This Is Not A Date."

I was jolted awake from my nap by the silent click of a lock turning

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I was jolted awake from my nap by the silent click of a lock turning.

That was weird. I was sure I had locked the door as soon as I had entered my room. How the . . . ?

I hit the light switch just before the door swung open, instantly springing up to a crouch and ready to jump on the intruder who had dared to pick my lock. "You son of a—"

"Hey!" A familiar voice yelled just before a laughing Micajah came into view, his hands up in the air, "It's just me, brother."

My shoulders sagged. I sighed exasperatedly and pushed the sheets lower, sitting up. "Care to explain how you opened my door?"

"Um, with a key?" Seneca popped up from behind him through the open entryway, closing my door after her. Micajah grinned and moved closer, brandishing said key before pocketing it. Only then did I notice that they were both dressed in casual clothes, ditching their usual PJs in favor of comfortable jeans and tees. Had we made plans or something?

"Um." I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, waiting to see if he would provide an answer himself. He seemed curiously oblivious as he stared back at me blankly, acting as if nothing was out of the normal in this scenario. "Seriously?" I spread my hands, flabbergasted. "I'm gonna have to ask why you have a copy of a key to my room? What the hell?"

"Oh," Micajah shook his head with a chuckle, making himself comfortable in the rolling desk chair. "We figured you'll be losing your key a few times since living in the dorms is going to take some getting used to." When I raised an unimpressed eyebrow at their lack of faith, he laughed even more. "What? No one said anything wrong about being prepared."

Seneca walked around the bed to my side, an amused smile coating her lips. "Isn't it better to be safe than sorry?"

Now that the new bed had arrived, it took up most of the space in my room, limiting the floor space to move by a lot. That didn't matter to me, though. If I wanted to walk around, I could walk around the whole damned city. To sleep, though? This bed was, unfortunately, the only available place for this whole year.

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