★ Signs As Pretty Things ★

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Aries: clothes that fit perfectly, eating your favourite foods randomly, cityscapes, red skies and bright sunsets.

Taurus: listening to nostalgic songs at night, misty mornings, spontaneous haircuts, shopping sprees, random acts of kindness.

Gemini: spending time with friends, the smell of fresh air, soft hair that smells nice, nighttime driving and seeing the city lights, freckles.

Cancer: red jeans, Voss water bottles, bookshops, new earphones, the sound a violin makes when played.

Leo: gold ink pens, yellow jumpers, Kanken bags, sunflowers, buying new Washi tape.

Virgo: neon signs, mint green aesthetics, pastel clothing, the smell of smoke and red wine, discovering new songs you love from your favourite band.

Libra: the colour white, marble floors, black and white kitchen tiles, music stores, buying new vinyl.

Scorpio: big fluffy cats, walks in the sun, flannel shirts, staying up till 4:00am talking, fresh fruit.

Sagittarius: round framed sunglasses, coffee shops, new fandoms, astronomy, completed sketchbooks.

Capricorn: peach aesthetic, patches and pins, Polaroid cameras, rose gold, iced tea.

Aquarius: sunrises, solar eclipses, moon jewellery, gemstones, swimming pools.

Pisces: post apocalyptic worlds, abandoned buildings, overgrown Ivy, coloured smoke, white eyelashes.

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