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The days used to go by like they were nothing for Megan Jackson. But ever since Peter Parker started working at the run-down Sadie's diner, almost every moment wasn't as dull.

It was already bad enough that he was in all of her classes, showing off how much of a smart ass he was. He was always one step ahead of her, and it constantly bothered her.

Customers that showed up at the diner loved her, she was full of jokes and always put on a smile. Eventually, it started to get old, once again, until Peter Parker came along.

Peter, just like every other teenager, was in need of extra cash. Aunt May begged him to find a job and for some reason, he thought Sadie's was the greatest idea. He showed off constantly that he had a "huge internship" with THE Tony Stark, but that wasn't the case at all. Megan dreaded working with him during the school week, considering he was the worst worker of all time.

"Peter! You're 2 hours late!" Megan yelled as Peter rushed into the diner.

"Sorry!" Peter replied, quickly running into the back room, changing into his uniform. He got caught up in being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, but that was a secret.

She handed him a notepad and a pen, practically shoving the items in his hands. "By the way, your nerd friend is at table 4. Also known as one of your tables."

He walked away without a word, which kind of ticked her off. "Um, you're welcome!"

Working at the diner wasn't technically the greatest for Megan, but it was better than nothing. It was what she needed to save up for a car, and she definitely knew her parents weren't willing to help her out.

A couple hours into her shift, Michelle (also known as MJ), practically Megan's only real friend, showed up. Michelle made her way towards the counter, taking a seat. "Sup."

"I assume the usual?" Megan asked her.

She shook her head no. "I'm trying to cut off dairy, apparently it's bad for your skin. I'll just have an order of fries."

"You sure this isn't a protest for animals?" Michelle laughed at her question, maybe a little too much. "Nah, I've just been breaking out lately."

"Whatever you say, MJ." Megan went to the kitchen, giving her order to Johnny, the cook. Johnny never spoke a word, all he did was nod or shake his head in response. She didn't bother asking why, but thank god he had a name tag so she knew his name.

A few minutes later, she returned with a basket piled with fries. Michelle quickly started eating, not even caring to use ketchup.

"How's working with Parker?" Michelle asked.

All Megan could do was groan, she knew that her only friend would know the answer. "A living nightmare. He's always late, and he just spends his time with his little nerd friend."

"Ned's cool!" She protested. "Sometimes."

"I don't know about that. Who plays with legos at this age?" She was right though, no teenager does.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Peter quit all his after school activities, including the decathlon! The week before nationals!" Megan wished he would've quit his job, not some silly extra curricular's.

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