Geric rewrite

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It was late. The second inspector had just left and everyone was exhausted, especially Eric, who was riddled with guilt and grief for Eva, and his unborn child. Sheila was slumped Over in a chair, tears staining her cheeks and her hands balled into fists that were gripping the fabric of her skirt; Mr and Mrs Birling were simply sat at either end of the oaken dining table, each glowering angrily at the surface which was void of its usual prim cloth. Gerald was the only one standing. He stood leaning against the panelled wall, absently staring at the thick, patterned carpet. The room was still, each person held in place by the tense atmosphere and emotions running rampant inside.

"I need some air," Eric suddenly sighed, immediately standing and shakily walking out of the door, slamming it behind him.

"I'll go after him," Gerald announced, also hastily leaving the room before anyone could reply. Sheila watched after them, feeling too heavy and desolate to even consider following the pair.

The heavy front door creaked open, and Eric did not need to look up to know who had followed him. He was leaning against the wall, head hung in shame.

"Eric." Gerald's voice was heavy and full to the brim of concern. He sounded as if he'd aged at least a decade within the last few hours.

"Go away," he muttered harshly in response.

"Eric," Gerald repeated, with more insistence.

Eric slowly raised his head to stare daggers at the older man before him.  "Did you come out here to tell me that you're disgusted? By what I did to Eva? Are you here to scold me for drinking too much? Because I bloody well know what I did was awful. I know the drinking is bad. It just... helps me cope," Eric snapped at Gerald, eyes full of unshed tears.

"Cope with what?" Gerald questioned softly, worried. He took a few hesitant steps towards Eric, as if he were attempting to approach a wild animal without spooking it.

Eric scoffed incredulously and shook his head violently in disbelief.  "With everything! With my parents, with the pressure of the business I'm supposed to magically know how to run, with YOU for God's sake!"

"With me? What did I do? I'm aware that I'm not entirely innocent in this whole Daisy matter, but would you really hold all that against me take issue with my betrothal to your sister? " Gerald asked, slightly offended. He took one final calculated step and gently leant against the wall of the house with Eric.

Eric tensed up, suddenly realising what he had just said, and dropped his eyes to the floor. The hands that were thrust into his trouser pockets were clutched into tight fists, attempting to contain his anger. Eric was still not sober enough to be fully in control of his actions, and after everything despicable he'd done, he wouldn't wish to add to his deeds by striking the son of a Lord.

"Eric?" Gerald asked, moving closer to the shorter boy and placing a hand on his shoulder tentatively. Eric slapped his hand away, as if it had burned him, then backed away. Gerald was shocked at his actions, unable to fathom why Eric was acting so strangely. Eric tripped over a branch, and fell backwards into the snow. Then he just lay there, tears trailing down his face. This was it. He'd have to tell him. He'd be disgusted, and call the police. It'd be the end of everything, he might even be killed. Maybe that would be a relief. Maybe that's wholly what he deserved.

Gerald huffed and sat down cross-legged next to the shaking figure that was Eric. "You can tell me whatever it is that is bothering you, you know that right? You're my best mate, Eric," Gerald whispered.

"You must have some truly dreadful pals for you to consider me your best," Eric scoffed through his tears.

"Eric. Please."

"I- I can't," Eric's voice cracked.

"C'mon. It sincerely can't be worse than what transpired this evening," Gerald laughed.

Eric let out a laboured breath. "Oh but it can. It can be so much worse."

Gerald chuckled weakly and rolled his eyes. "Could you stop being so dramatic for one minute and just tell me?"

Eric whispered something inaudibly, and Gerald raised an eyebrow, obviously waiting for Eric to repeat what he had said.

Eric swallowed thickly and simply sighed 'fuck it' under his breath before rapidly sitting up and fiercely pressing his lips to the other man's. Gerald's eyes widened, shocked into momentary paralysis, before slowly kissing back, eyes slowly closing and frost-bitten hands finding their way to Eric's hair. The world around them was so cold, but his lips were so warm, and in that moment, Eric thought that it was heaven on earth. They parted, panting slightly, both unable to comprehend the situation. Eric shut his eyes tightly, preparing himself for the blows that were inevitably about to land on his person.

"Well," Gerald cleared his throat.

"Yeah," Eric muttered, tentatively reopening his eyes, shocked that the other man was not pummelling him for his latest bout of awful behaviour

"So you..."

"Yeah. And you?"


"We would be arrested if anyone found out," Eric pointed out in a half-hearted attempt to save Gerald from himself.

"Obviously," Gerald replied. "But I sincerely don't think I care at this point."

Eric smiled wistfully. "I'm going to be arrested because of what I did to Eva, if they find out I'm a poof too they'll kill me. And I've accepted that, besides, they can't kill me more times than I'm going to die anyway."

"Then... run away with me." Gerald surged forward and took one of Eric's hands between both of his own and clasped it tightly.

Eric barked out a single incredulous laugh. "This isn't a fantasy novel, Gerald."

"No, I'm serious! Let's run away, somewhere where no one shall find us; we could make it work. I don't want to lose this, after all, I only just found it," Gerald insisted, tears pooling and glistening in his eyes.

Eric stared at him, not saying a word.

"C'mon." He tugged on their clasped hands and pulled them to his chest, over his heart. Eric could feel his frantic heartbeat.

Eric sniffed. "Gerald, we're both heirs to huge businesses, you will inherit the title of 'Lord'! Our disappearance would not go unnoticed. If we got caught- "

"I know! I know, alright! Don't you dare think for a second that I'm not absolutely terrified right now. But I can't just ignore this." Gerald laughed hysterically. "To think, we would have lived our lives, going to our graves with our secret, if Daisy had not died. I would've been married to your sister, you would have probably drunk yourself to death within the decade. There's no chance in hell that I'm ignoring this."

Eric stared into his eyes for a moment, refusing to break eye-contact. Then he blinked a few times, took his hands back and nodded jerkily. "Go home. Quickly. Grab what you need, I'll go inside and do the same. Meet me at the train station in three hours. You're my reason to live. I won't ignore this either," Eric spieled rapidly, before flashing a grin and rushing inside the Birling Manor. Gerald smiled softly, feeling warmth spread across his chest from his heart.

"You're the only thing I need."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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