Double Dog Dare {SMUT}

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I walked into the school with my best friend Polly. She was bragging on and on about how Pete was the greatest. Then I saw her. Alex Vause, walking in the hallways. Making boys and girls (even pedophile teachers) heads turn. Having the most desire wanting to be hers.

Everyone knows Alex Vause sadly doesn't do relationships. Not one but too many girls have tried to change her mind and try to seduce her enough for her to ask them out. Never worked. She just fucks and leaves.

"Piper!" Polly screamed. I jumped and looked at her.


"If you want her so bad, just ask her to fuck! I'm sure she'll do it."

I looked at Polly with wide eyes.

"Wha-What are you talking about!?"

"Alex.. if you wanna flick her bean.. ask."

I blushed furiously. I was at my locker grabbing my books and Alex was at hers. Next to this blonde girl that had a lot of hair everywhere.

"No.." I said.

"No? Oh yeah? I dare you."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Polly..-"

"I double dog dare you to ask Alex Vause to fuck you." Polly said with a grin.

I clinched my jaw. Everyone knows Piper Chapman never turns down a dare. "Fine! If it'll mean you'll shut the fuck up!" I hissed at her.

"Oh! Add in a kiss, not a peck. And you should do it in school.. but only if you're that badass." Polly smirked.

I slammed my locker shut and glared at Polly as I walked over to Alex. The blonde haired girl walked away from her locker to go to class probably, and Alex was just about to walk away too. Until I tapped her.

"Is that your girlfriend?" I asked as she turned around. I blushed a deep red.

Alex chuckled. "Hell no. I don't do relationships. Are you new here?"

"Oh.. no I was just making sure."

"Why?" She asked sexily raising an eyebrow.

I grabbed her face with both of my hands and brought her head down as I kissed her passionately. "Wanna ditch?" I asked as I pulled away.

Alex looked dazed as she nodded her head frequently. I dragged her by the hand to the janitors closet. Alex dropped her books and pinned me against the door.

We kissed each other passionately as we shedded each other's clothes off. "Is this your first time?" Alex whispered in my ear.

Shit.. is it noticeable? "You'll see." I replied.

She slipped her hand in my underwear and started stroking my center. "You're so fucking wet." Alex husked. I moaned as I clenched onto her. She started to suck my pulse point, which probably caused a hickey. She did it all around my neck as she started pumping two fingers inside me.

"F-fuck! Alex, shit." I whispered. It feels so fucking good and I want it to last. But as soon as she started to get rough and thrust in and out really fast while massaging my clit, I lost all control over my body.

"Ah! Shit! Yes!" I screamed but it got muffled by Alex's hand covering my mouth.

"Shh you can't be too loud." Alex whispered as she nibbled my earlobe. I moaned into her hand. My back arches, and my eyes clenched shut. It was the best orgasm.

After I calmed down Alex took her hand from my mouth and kissed me. Then she pulled away, took her fingers out from inside me and sucked the two digits.

I was breathing really hard and I felt more arousal after what I just witnessed. I turned us around so Alex was now pinned against the door.

'I really hope I don't suck.' I thought.

I slowly bent down letting my hands drag all the way down her body till I reached her waistline. I took her underwear all the way off and propped one of her legs on my shoulder.

I dragged a finger up and down her slit. She didn't make any noises, but her breathing did quicken. Wonder if she was trying to maintain control and not become a moaning mess.

I spread her lips with two fingers and circled her clit with my tongue and sucked it. I heard a grunt come from her so I decided to step up and roughly enter two fingers inside of her while sucking her clit.

"Oh, fuck." She whispered. I grabbed her thigh with my other hand and brought her closer as I thrusted faster and harder. I flicked her clit with my tongue fast and gave it one last long lick until she came undone.

"Oh fuck! Yes!." Alex screamed in pleasure. She grabbed a fist full of my hair bringing me closer. She kept cursing and yelling in pure bliss as she came down from her orgasm. I stood back up as she was panting, clearly out of breath.

I sucked her pulse point giving her a hickey, while playing with her breasts. I made my way up to her ear. "Was I good enough?" I asked whispering. I heard her breath hitched as she nodded. I smirked and pulled away.

"Good! Well this was fun." I said backing away from Alex. "I gotta get to class. See you on the flip side." I said while getting dressed.

"Uhh.. yeah!" Alex said blankly. She waited a while before finally getting dressed too.

"You alright?" I asked.

All she did was nod and headed out once she was finished.

~~~Next Day~~~

"So you really did it huh?" Polly asked.

"Yep." I said. "It was great and her pussy was divine." I said licking my lips.

Polly scrunched up her face in disgust. "I helped you get laid, so please spare me." Polly begged.

I chuckled as I put my books in my locker and closed it. Then I heard my name. I turned around and see Alex towering me. "You wanna go on a date with me?" She asked quickly.

"What? I thought Alex Vause don't do relationships.." I asked.

"It's a date, not a marriage proposal." She said.

I blushed. "Uhm.. sure."

"Cool.. I'll pick you up at seven." Then she walked away.


Long story turned into a short story. A few weeks later, Alex Vause ended up asking Piper Chapman out in front of the whole entire school leaving everybody surprised and most girls jealous as hell. Thankfully for Alex, she said yes.

Never a day has gone by where Alex doesn't flaunt her sexy beautiful girlfriend Piper Chapman. Ignoring every other girl that tries to come her way.

Piper is the first and hopefully last girl Alex ever fell in loved with. Same goes for Piper. They never failed to put a smile on each other's face, and make each other laugh so hard, tears come from their eyes, even through their toughest time.

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