High School Baby

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(this one will be a little bit long)

I walked into the high school of litchfield and went directly to my locker with a small smile on my face. As soon as I opened my locker someone slid next to me.

"Ooo." She said.

"What?" I said chuckling.

"Larry put that smile on your face, didn't he." Polly said smirking.

I laughed. "Yeah I guess he did." Then she squealed and started jumping up and down. "I told you guys will hit it off!" She said grinning.

"Yeah, Yeah." I said rolling my eyes. But in reality, Larry's boring. He's so plain and just not adventurous. He takes me on boring dates at restaurants and talks about boring stuff like for example.. he's going to be a writer... it's bad enough he uses his parents money to pay for the dates, but now he's gonna try to impress me with something not even impressive?

The only reason I'm smiling is because he got me flowers and my favorite white chocolate, other than that he can leave.

"Did you practice your cheer? You are the captain of Litchfield girls cheerleading." Polly said.

"Polly, I practiced my cheer, finished my homework for all my AP and Honors classes, had a decent breakfast this morning, plus I still have time on my hands, and I still manage a GPA of 4.0. So yes Polly you can count on me for being responsible." I spat.

Polly rolled her eyes. "We get it! You're responsible, independent, and! Can manage a fucking 4.0 unlike everyone else." Polly said.

I smirked as I went to the bathroom to change into workout shorts and a tank top . Once I finished and Polly was ready we went to the gym for our daily cheer workout routine.

It took ten minutes for everyone to be prepared as I stood in front of everyone in the gym, in position, ready to start my cheer. "Is everyone ready!" I shouted.

"Yes!" They shouted back.

But then someone came into the gym interrupting it all. "Piper Chapman the principal needs you."

I groaned and told the co captain to prepare everyone up. I walked out the gym and up to the principals office. I opened the door and saw Mr.Healy with another student. She had dark hair, black glasses, pink plump lips, a rack, a nice figure, cool ass clothes-

"Piper Chapman." Healy said. I snapped out of my gaze at the now smirking girl.

"Yes Healy?"

"Guide Alex Vause around the school, will ya?"


Alex got up, grabbed her bag, and walked out the office with me. "So, Piper Chapman. You got a boyfriend?"

I was taken aback by her sudden outburst. This girl is bold, I'll give her that. "Yes, I do." I said.

"Does he like you checking out girls?" She asked smirking. I stopped walking and glared at her."I was not checking you out." I spat.

Alex chuckled. "What's his name."

"Larry." I don't know why I told her that. Then she laughed.

"What the fuck is a Larry. His name sounds boring, is he ugly?" She asked.

"No?? I don't know!"

"Is he boring.." She said dragging on the last word.

"Yes!" I blurted out but only by mistake. "I mean-"

"Nope!" She said holding a hand up. "You said what you said."

"Why are you interrogating me about my boyfriend!"

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